dbvirago Member


  • That did fix the problem, but how did it get unselected to begin with? That part has been working fine until today.
  • On the web, on the exercise tab under settings, the allow negative adjustments had somehow come unchecked. This brought my exercise deficit back to where it should be.
  • I too am getting the multiple postings so looking forward to a fix. The other problem I have is under-reporting. I walk 10k steps a day and after taking the multiples into account my Fitbit calorie adjustment is about 450. Some days it will only be about 100 or less. Why the variation?
  • I've heard of people wearing on their ankle for cycling and elliptical, but not sure about accuracy. You should take it to a track or a treadmill and fine tune the stride length and then just go for it.
  • I see it now. I didn't understand it was simply reporting what I entered into MFP as opposed to cumulative activity from both sources. Thanks
  • After changing today's workout and syncing on tablet and laptop, the web dashboard still shows my strength training. The tablet app is now showing the calisthenics. I have a feeling I will likely use the tablet more for this anyway.
  • Wow - got it. What's the point of the strength section? Fortunately, prior to this year, many of my workouts were circuit training type, so those were getting logged under cardio. Since it's early days, I may go back to 1/1 and fix it based on an average workout. At least I'll have it right going forward. Thanks.
  • Got it. Also realized I had it set to non-dominant when it's on my dominant wrist. Can't figure out a way to make it sit on the other wrist comfortably with my watch.
  • Well, here's a problem. My stride length is 0. That might splain it.
  • Just got mine today and logged a couple hundred steps sitting in my chair. I'll have to wait a few days and understand some of the quirks, but I've only had it for an hour. If the daily goal is 2,000 steps and I'm logging 10% of that an hour sitting in a chair, I'm a little skeptical of its value. Once I actually do some…
  • I'll give it another day or two and see how it goes. Could just be a first sync glitch of some kind. Like you said, I'm just logging that in MFP for tracking purposes. It was logged in MFP as strength training as # of reps. I'm perfectly fine not having them sync if it's going to be an issue.
  • I logged into MFP as strength exercise. Been doing those sets long before I got the FB. Here is the view in MFP and FB.
  • I just got my fitbit today and have a total of about an hour with it, so already looking for help :-). I had logged my exercises this morning in MFP. Today is was 50 reps of squats, crunches and pushups. After syncing with FB, the FB dashboard shows 50 minutes of each of these. It doesn't show any calories burned so no big…
  • I have an observation and a question about the program. For my initial test, I did 11. Then I looked at the program and it said on day 1 of week 1 in the 2nd set of 5 I should do 12?!? That would be some great progress. So I started in the column as if I did 10. My question is on the progress tests. I am doing the workouts…