

  • That's my plans :) My gym trips usually consist of burning about 200 calories on the treadmill/elliptical. I like to use the machines as well. I love to tone as I am losing...So, I'll intend to eat a small snack after my gym trips, which right now I am staggering to every other day.
  • Thank you all for the responses. So even though it shows me at net 1100 for the day I should be okay and not go into starvation mode? I could settle for 20lbs...That would get me down to where I was last year at my cruise time and my dress would fit :) I dont have a HRM but I use the settings on the machines and add my…
  • I'm wondering the same thing. I'm debating on going with what MFP says to lose 2lbs a week (1200 net cal) or 1 1/2 lbs (1400)... I think 1400 sounds better because I plan on excercising daily and getting to eat those calories back will probably help. 1200 seems so low for my weight..I'm 5'3" 228 lbs. BMR around 1750.
  • I'd rather lose 2lbs a week, but I wonder if changing my goal to 1 would be sufficient for my body and I might lose more than 1?
  • I put it losing 2lbs a week and that gave me 1200. 1.5 lbs a week was 1440 and 1lb a week was 1690. I evened it off and said 1400 a week...I plan on excercising daily but not near the intensity I was doing. Maybe 200 calories burned a day in a workout whether it be walking, wii active or the gym.
  • Does anyone else find it weird that for 225lbs and 5'3" my net calories are 1200? Does anyone find that low for my size?
  • Based on that I should be doing 1250 calories. What about excercise?
  • It is very complex. I have no clue what to do!
  • This is where i'm confused. 2170 seems like a great goal. I won't be hungry and can excercise too. I am hungry all day with 1700 calories and find myself going over and then feeling guilty. I think 1700 is a bit low. That might be where my issue is. However, MFP says I should be at 1250 and another poster said 1500. Is…
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