30lbs in 95 days and excercise calories

Hello everyone!
I started dieting back in December 2010. I started out at 250 and was able to get down to 220 by October 2011. It was a hard struggle because I was always trying out new calorie totals because I wouldn't lose for a week and having cheat days, but I did it. Unfortunately the holidays happened, buying a house, moving, the stress of needing a job....AND now here I am back up to 250lbs. There is no way I am going on my cruise in September at this weight. I can't. My formal dresses and bathing suits don't fit right. So i'm starting today...

95 days and 30 lbs!

I know it has been explained many times, but each time I read the topics I get more confused...

My dail calorie goal is 1320. I'm 5'3" and 250lbs.

If I excercise do I eat those back? I understand your body needs the fuel to excercise, but what is the point in eating back everything you burned in a cardio session? Is it true that MFP already has your deficit calculated in so if I were to sit on my couch and eat 1320 calories a day I would still lose the weight? That's what I was understand so it is very important to eat those calories back or else your body won't be able to recover from the workout and the workout is meant to help burn off the pounds faster...?

I want to make sure I do this right this time...At a little over 2 lbs a week I can't afford to slip up!


  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I don't think MFP will calc your goal at 'a little over 2 lbs. a week', will it?

    If you really want to experience aggressive weight loss, I wouldn't eat back your exercise calories. You've got 400,000+ calories of extra fuel stored in your cells in the form of fat. How you lose weight is by using that up. Stick to your 1320. That's what I would do.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    I don't think MFP will calc your goal at 'a little over 2 lbs. a week', will it?

    If you really want to experience aggressive weight loss, I wouldn't eat back your exercise calories. You've got 400,000+ calories of extra fuel stored in your cells in the form of fat. How you lose weight is by using that up. Stick to your 1320. That's what I would do.

    I agree! do not eat your excersize cals back. but also make sure you are acutally measuring your food with a scale. drink your water. and dont use MFP excersize calories burned. they are very over estimated. Do you have an HRM?
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    For your situation, what mcarter said is right.

    HOWEVER- I can almost guarantee you that you will gain the weight back, because you are trying to lose it too quickly. It is true that MFP already takes your deficit into account at 1350. You should eat back at least half of your exercise calories. I say half, because I personally don't have a HRM, so I don't want to overestimate the amount of calories I burn, and then be up a creek because I am eating too much.

    MFP gives me 1410 a day. So if I sit on the couch and don't move all day, and eat 1410 calories, I will lose weight. When I run, it tells me I burn about 335 calories. I eat about about 150 back.

    You have a bit to lose for your height, so it is possible to drop probably 20 pounds in the time frame you are talking about.
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    as you are over 30 BMI then you have enough fat store to not have to eat back your exercise calories. as this store reduces then it may well be advisable to eat back some of them and eventually most if not all of them
  • CarolinaGirl87
    Thank you all for the responses. So even though it shows me at net 1100 for the day I should be okay and not go into starvation mode?

    I could settle for 20lbs...That would get me down to where I was last year at my cruise time and my dress would fit :)

    I dont have a HRM but I use the settings on the machines and add my weight and they have the HRM on them to judge calories. I definately don't use the excercise settings in MFP.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I would ignore the starvation mode and 'net calories' crap, personally. Yes, I understand the theory, before anyone launches into explaining either. If you read about the recs/plans from Weight Watchers, Mayo Clinic, American Heart Assoc., American Diabetes Assoc, US Dept. of Agriculture, National Institutes of Health- there is no 'net calories', no 'eat back', no 'don't eat below BMR'. The recommendations are don't try to lose more than 2 lbs/week and eat above 1200, for the most part.

    If your exercise puts you at more than a 1000 calorie/day deficit, I personally don't think it's dangerous. Exercise is good for you, it's a great way to burn more calories, and people overestimate it when they go to 'eat it back'. If you want to 'eat it back' I would say continue being conservative about your burn and only do it as you feel you need for satiety and energy.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    I don't think MFP will calc your goal at 'a little over 2 lbs. a week', will it?

    If you really want to experience aggressive weight loss, I wouldn't eat back your exercise calories. You've got 400,000+ calories of extra fuel stored in your cells in the form of fat. How you lose weight is by using that up. Stick to your 1320. That's what I would do.

    I agree! do not eat your excersize cals back. but also make sure you are acutally measuring your food with a scale. drink your water. and dont use MFP excersize calories burned. they are very over estimated. Do you have an HRM?

    Why care about a HRM if you are saying to not eat back your exercise cals? I would say to never net under 1200, its not good for you. Your body needs good healthy food. If you eat 1320 and work off 200 cals then at least eat back 80 cals. Cardio is your best friend but you gotta switch it up. Go outside and run run run! Zumba, swim...but dont forget to lift. You might get thin by doing cardio but lifting hard will make what you got look amazing!
  • CarolinaGirl87
    I would say to never net under 1200, its not good for you. Your body needs good healthy food. If you eat 1320 and work off 200 cals then at least eat back 80 cals. Cardio is your best friend but you gotta switch it up. Go outside and run run run! Zumba, swim...but dont forget to lift. You might get thin by doing cardio but lifting hard will make what you got look amazing!

    That's my plans :) My gym trips usually consist of burning about 200 calories on the treadmill/elliptical. I like to use the machines as well. I love to tone as I am losing...So, I'll intend to eat a small snack after my gym trips, which right now I am staggering to every other day.