TheTrym Member


  • Personally I never experienced the increased hunger I see many mention. Can't say I'm complaining about that one. :p My weight didn't change either (until later when I had my thyroid meds properly adjusted).
  • Jeg er veldig for, et spisested som har en fast meny bør rimelig greit kunne finne ut ca kaloriinnhold i de ulike rettene. Spiser jeg lunsj eller middag ute, så er jeg ikke nødvendigvis så himla opptatt av kaloriinnhold, men veldig greit å vite "skaden" likevel, blant annet så man kan ha det i bakhodet når man velger…
  • I'm a trans man.
  • I can be attracted to all types as far as appearance is concerned, actual compatability is another matter. I think I'd steer away from someone very fit, very carriere driven, very much into health-stuff, very political, very... Ok, let me put it this way: Anything is fine in moderation? XD
  • I'm not sure what I'd call my lifestyle, but gay is not it. Heck, hardly anyone know I'm gay since I'm long-term single.
  • Oops, I completely forgot all about this. >.> Got minor surgery next week, but once I'm up and about, I guess I'll start up from scratch again.
  • W3/D3: 11/13/9/9/22
  • W3,D2: 10/12/8/8/20
  • I only remove my crocs for sleeping, showering and going out in public (at which point they are replaced with sneakers or hiking shoes).
  • Started week 3 again today. W3/D1: 10/12/7/7/18
  • Been under the weather for a couple of days, so gonna repeat week 2 and start week 3 again on monday.
  • W3/D1: 10/12/7/7/10 Ow. That is all.
  • Not all that itchy really, but I periodically get dry eyes. Sometimes I wake up during the night due to the discomfort, and have to get the eyedrops. It can be a problem when trying to be active outdoor as well. I wear a mask due to asthma, and then I need to wear contacts since my glasses get fogged down. Sometimes they…
  • W2/D3: 5/7/5/5/17 ...faceplanted halfway to 18 XD
  • Week2/Day2: 5/6/5/4/14
  • Prøvde på ny, og så sannelig, denne gang lot det seg gjøre slik jeg hadde tenkt. =)
  • Ja det var da den nektet å godta noen av de andre verdiene, så enten var det nettsiden eller meg. Jeg er tilbøyelig til å anta det siste. Får prøve på ny en annen gang, jeg ga til slutt opp med den matvaren jeg knotet med. XD
  • Problemet er da at jeg må regne ut næringsinnholdet per 80 gram, og det er dette jeg skulle hatt en vei utenom, for det blir bare for knotete. Eller er jeg fullstendig på bærtur nå?
  • Week 2/Day 1: 4/6/5/4/15 on knees.
  • The dosage was corrected by an endocrinologist. Before that it had been monitored by various gp's. It takes quite a while for the body to catch up when a dosage is adjusted (8 weeks I've been told), so it makes sense for docs to start out carefully lest to end up overmedicating people.
  • I'm a somewhat picky eater, but not to the point where I'd come across as rude if I'm being served something I'd prefer not to eat. :p I think most of it comes from being a creature of habit, there are certain food item I will only eat if they are the brand I have always eaten (unless I need to in order to not be rude).
  • I've had the diagnosis for 15-16 years, I was overweight when I got the diagnosis, but stopped gaining weight when I started on meds (levo). Have always been tired and easily exhausted, but then I've been undermedicated for all those years too. A year ago I saw an endo who pointed this out, and once I had the right dosage,…
  • I just realised I could get the app for a windows phone today, so I have a trial version now, probably gonna get the full one. I started out jotting down my numbers on, will continue doing that since I also log squats and sit ups.
  • Week 1/Day 3: 4/5/4/4/10
  • My only goal for this month is to lose 2 kg before my annual check up with the doc that always says "You should lose weight!" I've lost 10 kg since he saw me last, but the more the merrier.
  • Week 1/Day 2: 3/4/2/3/12 - still on knees. Feeling it. ._. Now that day of "rest", and then day 3 on saturday.
  • I got the diagnosis at 20 if memory serves me right (36 now). A doc was feeling my neck when I was in for a throat infection and told me I should have some blood drawn "just to check".. :p I've spent most of the years since then undermedicated, since all the gp's went with the "ah, it's within normal range now", it was…
  • Done did! Got day one outta the way today. 2/3/2/2/5 A pitiful result, but oh well, leaves all the more room for improvement. XD Also jumped on the 200 squats and 200 sit-ups thing. Didn't know those existed until I went to that logger site.
  • I should be giving this a go. Managed 5 modified (knees) before I crumbled. I did the test a little while after having done a lot of wall ones ( I try doing a bunch of those everytime I enter the kitchen.. well the wall is right there, so.. XD ) and I definitely feel it in my neglected muscles.