

  • I don't go to the gym, but when I walk to pick up my boyfriend from work it's 1.2 miles and I do that in 20 minutes, so I guess about 17 minutes...? What you're doing sounds great :smile:
  • Well done, that is great to hear!
  • Well I've been ill since the weekend. Only managed 500 calories on Saturday and Sunday which was terrible!! No excersise at all. Then on Monday and Tuesday all I did was walk to work but I did manage my 1300 calories. I was so exhuasted though I went to bed in the afternoon for four hours. I thought I had a cold, but I…
  • My scale isn't digital. I moved mine around the bathroom until I found the most "accruate" place and I move it to there every time I weigh in.
  • Maybe you could change the texture of your veg.... try mashing some swede and carrot with some potato. It's slightly sweet and really delicious. Just put a little bit of light spread into it like flora and it's really nice. The texture will be completely different.
  • Well, Lent starts tomorrow so I am giving up chocolate! I think it will really help my weight loss too. Anyone else giving up anything for Lent?
    in Lent Comment by beanyspoon February 2008
  • I am definatley going to try these! I need some excersises to do in a smallish space that don't cost any money and these are perfect.
  • Well done you and all the best for that last pound!!!!
  • When I first started logging I couldn't stay within 1400, let alone 1200! However, I looked at my log and saw where I was going wrong. My main problem was eating two main meals during the day, so my calories were going way over. I then just started having my main meal at lunch time and then a smaller meal in the evening. I…
  • I want to loose 25lbs, so far have done 6lbs in 2 weeks.... which I never thought possible!
  • Mine is usually between 1 - 3 weeks late, and this month it was bang on time and I have been excersising. So maybe the two are connected?
  • Thanks for all the advice! I think I'll do some of those lunges and things as they don't take up much space and work the muscles! Unfortunatley I can't do excersise videos, as our room is so tiny, our TV is at the foot of the bed, so unless I do it on the bed I have no chance!!
  • I've done it :smile:
  • Currently a dinner lady at the local Primary School, looking for a career in social care. Just being a dinner lady to pay the bills while I look for something more suitable.
  • I am really confused as to what is too much excersise or not enough. I can't afford to join a gym, and the weather in the UK is way too bad right now for me to get my skipping rope out in the back garden! So I don't think I'm doing enough, and I don't know how to do more, or what sort of excersise to do! I walk to work and…
  • I am quite lucky as during the week I work at a school and I get my lunch provided for me, so this is my main meal of the day. Today I had a baked potato with skin, a little cheese and salad. Other days we will have chicken and vegetables - other days we have pizza but it's only one slice. There's a selection you can have…
  • If you are increasing your excersise, then you may have gained more muscle and burned more fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. You're doing really well so far, and I'm sure things will sort themselves out!
  • I mainly watch my calories, but of those I try and make sure that 50% are carbs, no more than 10% sugar, no more than 10% saturated fat, and 30% fat, 20% protein. I only do this because this is the govenment guidlines in the UK for what you should eat. I don't really know what the basis is for that! I don't stick to it…
  • If I have a cheat thing, then I try and make it a small one. Like yesterday I had a chocolate caramel wafer, but it is only 100 calories and I made sure that I stuck within my calorie intake for the day. If I do cheat, then I always make sure I put it on my food log. Last Monday I had Chinese take away and it really…
  • Did it have chunks of butternut squash in it? Was it home made? If you're making one from home, weigh out the vegetables before you put them in your soup and then you will know if you're putting a serving in. If it's not home made then maybe add some veggies in there to boost the vitamins. I'm sure if it has chunks of…
  • Thank you for your lovely replies :smile:
  • I ate whole box of popcorn at the cinema yesterday. Didn't log my food until today, thought I had loads of calories left... ended up going over 700 over! Oops!!!
  • Well I joined the site on Friday, haven't had the courage to come in here until now! Not only am I new to the site, but I am also new to weight loss. This is my first ever diet, but it doesn't feel like one, I feel so in control with keeping a record of everything. I didn't go on the computer yesterday to log everything,…