Welcome, MyFitnessPal is the most effective weight loss tool that I have ever tried, I hope you download the app too, very helpful! Best of luck on your weight loss :)
Agreed! Amazing doc!
Like I said, boost of motivation :) Take what you want out of it
You are an inspiration
I'll look it up, thanks!
I've ditched all animal products almost 2 years ago and almost never eat soy, a lot of veg people avoid soy all together :) Yes, research but ahhh so worth it
Perfect! I have a closet-full of really cute strapless Summer dresses, can't wait to look awesome in them :) Best of luck with the weight loss and thanks for joining me.
I do a lot of stair climbing, it's not just cardio, it's also strength training... I also own two sets of dumbbells - 5 LB and 8 LB, perfect for toning up and you can buy them cheap at a second hand store. Lots of great strength training videos on Youtube :)
Thank you, I know how challenging breastfeeding can be, it was very difficult for me at first, just take one feeding at a time and do a lot of self care, like naps whenever you can get them :) Thanks for joining me, best of luck to you!
Go vegan, you'll be pooping 2 times per day :)