Sdennis817 Member


  • Have you read Chris Powell's book! choose More, Lose More for Life? He has a maintenance plan at the end of the book. It takes all the guesswork out of it. Congrats on your weight loss! Sherry
  • I'm on my second round of JMBR and currently finishing up week 10. It is grueling but next week will be better for you. The moves will seem more familiar and you will be stronger. Sherry
  • I am doing Jillian Michaels Body Revloution (JMBR). I just started and I must say it is fantastic. She works your body - its systematic and I highly recommend it. She kicks your body - using intervals - cardio, weights, resistant bands, ab work. There are 15 dvds in the set. She changes it up so your body doesnt plateau or…
  • Hi everyone and Happy Saturday! Im Sherry from NC! 45 years old. My DVDs just came yesterday so I am starting today. I want to stay on the schedule she has in the plan from Monday to Saturday so I was thinking of doing the cardio today. I am so excited. I'm not following the meal plan however because I am experiencing…