DoingTheNeedful Member


  • Yeah, tracking down the USDA entry I want is hit or miss. Sometimes I can search for something-USDA and it'll hit, or not. I'll remember to try "grapes, raw" next time. Anything would be a damn sight better than searching for grapes and getting "Gatorade, grape drank" or whatever
  • Huh. Okay, well, that makes sense CyberTone. The real question is, apart from contributing to bloat and fragmentation of items by creating my own "grapes" item, how might I go about fixing it?
  • My thanks to you all for your perspectives and insights! The principles are not complex. I had success before using MFP, and I can do it again. Thanks again.
  • We're in the same boat, kinda. I dropped a bunch of weight up to about the summer of 2012, using MFP and everything else, and then ... I'm not sure what happened! I've managed to gain all that weight back. I'm trying to re-establish the good habits that saw success back in 2011 and 2012, but it's not easy. I'm with ya,…
  • Ah crap I misread that too. It's not the stepmother, but the younger sister that's being a ****. Yeah, headphones all the way, or give her noogies until she promises to stop. Or the passive-aggressive lip-smacking food crunching right in front of her face. Long drawn out commentary about how you're soooo glad that this…
  • 11 days is both not a very long time, and can be the longest time ever. I agree with the poster who said don't engage, don't address the comments. Just eat what you need to eat and move on with your day. Plug headphones in while you're in the kitchen if you need to. Sure, you'll have to take them out whenever the…
  • Gosh. Sorry. I guess I'm all amped up over this today, and thank you all for reading this nonsense. If you're not reading it, well, that's okay too. Like, I've got the stuff to make breakfast burritos, because the family loves the burritos and I like making them. 12 eggs, a pound of pork breakfast sausage, a package of…
  • Thanks everyone. I've been doing this a long time, and you'd think I'd know when I'm overthinking things, and then stop doing that. There's just a lot of elements to life and food that irritate the heck out of me when it comes to calories and macronutrients. Like, I mean, if I'm out and about with my family, and we get the…
  • I work four tens at night as well. I've cooked up a little game for myself, and I'm probably going to start doing this tomorrow. What you'll need: A six-sided die, a stopwatch. What you do: Every hour, on the hour, roll the die, and perform exercises as follows: 1: 10 burpees 2: 20 push-ups 3: 30 seconds in the plank…
  • Former diet soda addict reporting in. I stopped drinking Diet Coke, Diet Mt Dew, and Coke Zero pretty much cold turkey in January 2009. It was around that time that I first started reading articles that suggested artificial sweeteners still triggered an insulin response, which may make you want to eat more anyway. Right…
  • Oh, this thread reminds me, I need to see if there's any appreciable difference between raw and cooked chicken when it comes to weight. Like, when we say "one ounce of boneless skinless chicken breast tenderloin," is that 1 ounce after being cooked on a Foreman grill (or whatever) or 1 ounce raw? And when we input that…
  • Thanks for the replies everyone. I think I'll have to modify that recipe going forward so that it doesn't use so much oil. The whole thing came out to about 800g of tomato soup, and a 100g serving comes out to about 250 calories. So of course I ate two servings right? Sheesh. Anyway, whatever, better luck next time. And…
  • Thanks all! I think I get the message that whichever measurement I use, I ought to be consistent about it. I might just take both measurements going forward, and just pick one (either above-the-belly-button or pants-on-the-ground) for the purposes of MFP's metrics.