jresh Member


  • Why My Fitness Pal?? Because keeping a food diary makes me painfully aware of how many calories I was eating! This great tool has gotten me back on track! Thank you!!
  • @ annacataldo: You're weight loss is impressive!! Great job!!!
  • Yes, that's quite small for thighs! *My* calves are 15.5!
  • I do, and am on my third one. I do like it, but I may switch to an iPhone next time, because I want face time with my family. Someone mentioned the BB freezing. Yeah, mine does that, too, and I have to remove the battery from time to time. I know the iPhone is not great for making phone calls (haha), but I text most of the…
  • I had the same question, so I put two 15-pound weights on my digital and the same weight on my dial scale. The digital read accurately at 15 pounds, and the dial scale came up a full 5 pounds under. Yeah, I got really excited when I tried the dial... It's OK, though, because I am still steadily, albeit slowly, losing…
  • I was just thinking the same thing! Rather than eating those pita chips, I'm going to bed! :)