55in13 Member


  • One thing I have never seen anything definitive on is what the time window for the math is. It seems to be fine to average across a couple of days at least.
  • Dug up an article that refers to the source for the 31.4 calculation and has some other interesting details: http://baye.com/calculating-the-daily-calorie-deficit-for-maximum-fat-loss/ One thing it has is an example very similar to what was mentioned earlier, though the author rounds to 30 cals: Someone else said they…
  • Not over simplified; correct AFAIK. I have seen an article that number comes from. Someone linked to it in another post and I think it was on NIH. As hotly as some things get debated, that one seems pretty widely accepted. That does not mean that the body will provide the 942 calories though. It just means it can and based…
  • It matters because fat can only be "burned" (converted and used) at a rate of roughly 31.4 calories per pound per day, so even if you are doing other things right if the deficit can't be serviced fast enough using fat then the body has to use other things.
  • Ones I saw at the half I ran yesterday: "Run quietly, I am really hung over" "You are all freaking nuts" The really freaky one was one that said something about finishing in 222nd place, because I did (out of over 550 and I was 9th of 49 in my age group, so I feel good about it).
  • It's kind of funny how that happened. After I left the pace group, I was passing everyone in front of me and started to worry that maybe I was going too fast and I could tell my pace was a little erratic. I slowed slightly and two women passed me. I used them as my pacers for a few minutes until one of them looked at her…
  • I think you are right. I went in thinking I would do this as sort of a final exam to prove I had succeeded in getting reasonably fit, but I enjoyed the social part of the event more than I expected. I checked the results this morning and have yet one more slightly different number; I may have misunderstood yesterday.…
  • Fixated with our rear ends? Nah. There are far more expressions for throwing up and masturbating (usually not at the same time :laugh: ) than just about anything else.
  • If I were going to nearly fast for a few days like that, I would do it by eating salads with tuna, salmon or low fat turkey/chicken. If I substitute protein shakes for more than one meal in a row I will experience some discomfort when my body packages the part it wants to eliminate into a brick (I think it is trying to…
  • If it is 7 minutes less you spend at the table, it helps. Seriously, it may sound like a tired old saw around here, but exercise only helps a little at most especially if done in small doses. Weight loss happens in the kitchen (and your kitchen generally works better than Mickey D's).
  • Miles run without HR in calculations yield lower numbers. I should have mentioned that I knew that. That's why the HR calcs seem suspect. But they should be more accurate than the estimate based on miles run.
  • You cannot outrun your fork. I would guess that MFP is overestimating burn or you are not tracking calories eaten closely enough.
  • Here is a calculator page I found that uses a few different formulas: http://www.digifit.com/heartratezones/maximum-heart-rate.asp Laura - it says you are just under max for a 44 yo female. But these numbers are estimates based on averages. The average person in or beyond middle age cannot run over 5 miles, so I take them…
  • MOTS - detox is a natural process your body performs without special products.
  • I am 54. At the beginning of this year, I was 55 pounds heavier than I am now. My only exercise each day was climbing two and a half flights of stairs to my office (skipped using the elevator to stay healthy :ohwell: ) and I was winded when I reached the top. I decided to lose some weight and really get in better shape. I…
  • Donate or toss depending on condition - do not keep any "just in case". To me, that is like planning to gain it back. I want to make it a difficult obvious problem if I start gaining again.
  • I like goal to be my upper limit. If like feel like I need space for holidays or something, I will lose a few pounds ahead of time. I don't obsess over swings BTW. If I see goal on the scale every few days, I am good with that. But setting a range above goal is a slippery slope for me.
  • I have seen no data to indicate that logging changes the odds. It seems obvious that it would, but that is only if you make assumptions about accuracy. I think it's all about commitment. Whether you manage it at the level of logging everything or just adjusting eating by watching the scale and belt is a personal decision.
  • I am doing it by watching the scale and clothing fit closely and mixing in days of light eating as needed. If you were logging this, you would call it calorie cycling. I don't know if that will work for you or not, but there is an important make or break concept in there - if you can't be sure you are having a light day…
  • I am another special snowflake. I lost 55 pounds total and I knocked out the first 40 in about 20 weeks by eating around 1200 calories each day. I exercised a few times a week and did not not "eat the calories back". I didn't just survive that, I thrived! There are a few threads on Adaptive Thermogenesis (AT) which does…
  • Kind of a tangent, but I always breathe through my nose also. I don't think it limits my intensity on a long run. There is also a hydration benefit - I can run 10 miles with no water and still be able to spit at the end (not that I do; just that my mouth is not dry).
  • No; I just want to get one of the little oval magnets that has 13.1 on it
  • My favorite routes are out and back where I can take a different specific route in each direction (though they generally end up sharing at least some common paths or roads) but are roughly the same distance. Since I usually know what mile I am on (the phone app announces each mile over the speaker), if I decided ahead of…
  • I completely agree. As a runner, I think I am more alert than most people to runners, pedestrians and cyclists while driving. I have seen some close calls with ear buds or head phones involved and definitely a factor. I won't use them. To be fair, it is usually the car that would have been in the wrong, but I like to hear.…
  • I use the Endomondo phone app and I have it set to tell me the pace and total at each mile. On my long runs (8-12 miles; I am training for a half) I am often surprised at the first one but generally on pace by 2 or 3.
  • I think mine dropped a little during the loss and is returning to normal pretty quickly also. With all the running I do and ball park logging, it is hard to be sure but I am pretty sure. We should have some T shirts or bumper stickers made that say: "I upped my metabolic rate; up yours!" :bigsmile:
  • I usually do not log except every now and then I log a day or series of days to get a sense for some specific things I have added to my diet. I tend to eat from pretty much the same set of breakfast and lunch selections nearly every day. IOW, I don't eat the same thing for lunch every day but most days it will be one of…
  • Thanks. i am pretty confident about completing it. I have run 10 or more about half a dozen times in the last couple of months with several more runs of 7-10 sprinkled in. Only once did I walk part of it and that was at around 90 degrees. The advice about running the pace I am used to and only speeding up later does make a…
  • And if you look over on the left on their main screen, there is a challenge that would probably be to your liking - the "Raleigh Triple Crown". 3 half marathons in 5 weeks (a weekend off between each). They each have their own medal and then there is the special medal for doing all of them. I had also considered doing the…
  • I just made it official and registered for my first half, coming up 10/6: http://www.runraleighhalfmarathon.com/