This makes me sad. You deserve to be so proud of what you've accomplished, and I wish it wasn't a struggle for you. I know it's meaningless, really, but this internet stranger thinks you rock!
Amen to that!
That's what I'm trying to do. I'm doing StrongCurves 3x/ week and running about 15 miles per week. Like others have said, just trying not to backslide right now. I'm in a super-busy time at work and will be for the next 8 weeks, so I've just got to hold on tight to whatever routine I can. I'm also really trying to…
I used the Scooby calculator to find my BMR and TDEE, then had it calculate what I should be eating, customizing my macros to 40P/30F/30C. Even with that, the biggest thing I was doing wrong was not weighing my food. Measuring cups or eyeballing were NOT sufficient to really…
Why aren't you eating things that taste good? I refuse to eat things I don't enjoy. That doesn't mean I get to eat everything that does taste good to me, but the things I do eat, I make sure I enjoy.
1 day, 17 hours, 33 minutes and 9 seconds. Actually, I have no idea and neither does anyone else. I hate to see you get this freaked out about less than 2 pounds. The truth is, weight fluctuates. It just does.
It's like you're right here with me, watching everything I do. o-0
This thread will restore your faith in advice-askers. OP asks questions, clarifies, thanks people, says, "OK, I'll try that!" when people tell her to weigh excuses, admits her foibles, is all-around gracious: If only they (we?) could all…
Hilarious. +1
So water won't wash my fat away?
I don't have anything to add, but you're my favorite advice-asker ever! You: 1. Opened your diary 2. Gave good background 3. Didn't get defensive 4. Admitted some weaknesses It's almost like you don't know that you're supposed to get really mad at anyone trying to help and call them bad names and swear you're never going…
Especially because even AFTER the disclaimer people will post things like, "I know you said not to comment on it, but...blahblahblah."
Right? I imagine that guy banging out emails to the organizers of the Tour de France, telling them what he really thinks of their so-called "sport". You, mounsieurs, are les idiots!!
I'm mostly an IIFYM type, with my protein set to 120g/day. I don't usually get there, but I do usually get over 100. Fat is around 40 and carbs 90. I do sometimes go over carbs if it's a day I have corn (summer = grilled corn on the cob at least twice per week!) or a lot of fruit, or if it's cereal-for-dinner night. I'm…
So much wrong with this. Hawaiian dinner rolls aren't even that "healthy"! I hope she put whatever money she saved by not buying a proper cake into a fund to pay for her kid's therapy later in life. That'll give a person trust issues, even more so than biting into a cookie and realizing that what you thought were chocolate…
I think it's difficult for people to know whether to comment or not, also. I can think of 2 recent examples and one from last year where I wanted to say something to someone but didn't know how they would take it . Some people are very uncomfortable having acquaintances comment on their weight loss and others want and need…
I think I am going to re-start, too. I feel like I have sacrificed form for weight increases with my squats. While I probably dip below parallel 75% of the time, I want true ATG squats and am willing to deload to get there. My biggest challenge is that I am also trying to lose weight/fat, so figuring out how to eat is…
Yes to both! Good Lord, if I worked in an office where doing shots was the norm, I'd likely be living in a van down by the river now. I don't think I have a problem, per se, but I do tend to want to keep going once I start. I drink about once a month now because it really sets me back on my weight loss goals. Not just the…
AH HA HA HA. That is so true! Height: 5'1" SW: 136 CW: 130 GW: 120? Goals: - Lower BF%. Don't know it, exactly, but I am squishy - Get arm definition - Squat butt! -Fit into clothes better Motivation: - My kids and husband - Plain ol' wanting to look good - Feeling like I struggled with bad body image for so many years;…
HA! Me, too. I've been running but haven't lifted in 2 weeks. :-(
I'm sorry the OP's words were so hurtful to you. I just wanted to respond and give you an internet hug and tell you that I hope you don't actually feel like a failure. You're doing a great job, are a very pretty girl (I mean that in a non-creepy, "I could be your mom" way), and are absolutely right that there's no need to…
You ladies are awesome. And I am a doofus. Thank you!!
Ha ha ha, I was just coming here to post this myself. They are one unforgiving *kitten* of a lift. I have to talk myself out of modifying them to dip-drives or thrusters, because the momentum of those certainly helps. I'm going to look into some of the accessory lifts.
Ahh ha ha---the freakish hunger! I CAN HAZ THIRD BREAKFAST?
Thanks, everyone! I love the simplicity of SL 5x5 and this is a great community for me to look around at how others are working it.
No it can't.
I know that. But it didn't update in the quote, So she was saying 0.5 lbs per month is too low, and people jumped all over her. Her response was to what she thought you wrote, and wasn't unreasonable. Other people responded as though she was being unreasonable.
Read it again. It says 0.5 lbs PER MONTH. One can lose more than 0.125 lbs per week without wearing out the adrenal gland.
You look fantastic...and so happy!
Wow. Then your parents need to back the frig off. And you don't actually need to lose weight. Sorry, that's harsh but this gets me dander up. Do they know that you struggled with bingeing and purging and restricting? I would much rather my daughter be overweight (which you are NOT) than be struggling with bulimia and…