CupcakeGangsta Member


  • It appears that the main user who started this group has deactivated her MFP account. (MLauraa) However I think we can all put out heads together and gather support and motivation from each other to help reach each other reach our fitness goals by Spring!! Just remember this is a bi-weekly weigh-in... starting weight was…
  • Start weight:145lbs 2/10/14 Weigh 1: 141lbs 2/24/14 I am seeing on some other people's posts they already are on their third weigh in. I thought the first weigh in wasn't until 2 weeks after the initial starting weight. I think this challenge is for bi-weekly weighing and not weekly weigh-ins. But if you feel confused ask…
  • Great! Thanks for the ideas! I will definitely be trying the vegan protein powders out there. Hopefully I will find one that isn't too pricey. Most of the vegan products I buy cost so much. But I'm sure a little will go a long way :)
  • Mine is open. Feel free to add me :)
  • A few motivational quotes I have written down at work and home are: "Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you couldn't." "Don't let your struggle become your identity." "You are STRONGER than what you may think." "Take pride in how far you have come... and have faith in how far…
  • Hi! My name is Shanna. I am 27 years old. I am 5'6''. I started my weight loss in November 2013. I weighed 154lbs. I am currently 145lbs but fluctuate back and forth between 150 and 145lb often because I struggle with maintaining and stress eating. I have worked in mental health for 6 years and it is stressful at times. In…
  • Just like everyone said exercise will help. I usually workout with a yoga ball and elliptical trainer more during that week. I also eat more foods high in iron because my body is losing iron which is part of why I feel so tired and low energy. I find that vitamin D Complex pill helps with the achey bone feeling. I eat more…
  • I don't know if it actually speeds up your metabolism to loose weight but it does make you feel full. I drink hot green tea with a small squirt of honey for a snack or with a snack and it always makes me full until my next meal time. Pure green tea also has a good amount of antioxidants your body needs. So it's still…
  • I eat coconut milk yogurt. SoDelicious is my favorite brand and they contain all the same active cultures as dairy yogurts. The saturated fat is a bit higher but it's the good saturated fat your body needs. I love the vanilla, raspberry, blueberry, and strawberry flavors. They also have a thicker 'Greek' style one that…
  • Veggie stir fry with quinoa and low sodium soy sauce, chili over quinoa, stuffed green peppers with veggies, tomato and basil sauce, ground Turkey, and quinoa, homemade healthy tortilla pizzas (there's a video on YouTube for that), homemade Vegetable soups, spaghetti squash spaghetti mixed with fresh veggies in a marinara…
  • 1/2 cup Cocoa granola and 1/2 cup almond milk original
  • Welcome to MFP! It really does help give you a better visual of calories, carbs, sugar, cholesterol, vitamins etc. that you consume throughout the day. I find it helpful to add friends for motivation and support. It also helps me fight the temptations of eating a guilty food because I know I will have to log it, see it,…
  • I handle this in a few ways. I will either make four to five servings and portion out my dinner first, portion out my lunch serving for the following day, and then allow my husband to dig in. Or I will make two separate meals. My husband is a picky eater so he typically doesn't like a lot of the health foods I prepare. I…
  • I just remind myself of my goals and calories. I always know I get extra hungry around that time so I don't buy the junk and snack on healthier choices. You can eat as much plant based foods as you want without feeling like a fatty following your period. - I'm not trying to sound mean because it's true. You already feel…
  • Thanks! I will try these ideas!!