Rynjak Member


  • Thank you for this :)
  • Thank you, so true. Sometimes it's good to ask these questions to get some perspective.
  • Thanks peoples. Appreciate the advice and yes a loss is a loss. I'll look at sodium intake and keep doing what I'm doing and maintaining a deficite. I was surprised at such a difference. Thanks
  • I just typed in bf and so many options. Do we really burn 500 cals exclusively feeding? Wow. I'd be walking my butt off to burn that with exercise!!
  • That's commitment Napier mum, good on you!! Hubby leaves for work at 7:30 so I think evenings are my only way. I don't have a double stroller but then my little one (shes 2.9) wouldn't sit in it anyway. I think it's finding what works through trial and error then sticking to it! I go back to work in 4mth so it'll change…
  • Hey ladies. Lots of exp here then :) kudos to the tandem feeding too. Fortunately I've never had a problem with supply, more over supply and exercise and weight loss haven't ever affected it which is great! Exercise plans....well my treadmill is sat here looking at me, swearing at me for being lazy haha but I do plan to…
  • Hi, Hope you ladies don't mind if I sevd you a request too? I have a 5mth old I'm exclusively breastfeeding and 2 other children 2.5 and almost 5. I did post a new topic but if you'd not mind adding me, it'd be great to get some inspiration from ladies who have done it or are doing it! Thanks :)
  • 35yrs old 183cm tall Sw: 90kg Cw: 89kg (just started) GW: 78kg Breastfeeding 5mth old. Return to work PT in September. Have 2 other children 2.5 and 5. Need tips to manage the juggle and fit in exercise.