Small loss this week which doesn't make sense.

Rynjak Posts: 12 Member

Looking for some advice...

I have a calorie target of 1600pw and my average was 1408 week 1 and 1138 week 2.
I lost 2.4kg week 1 but only 600g week two. I'm gutted, been exercising a lot more week 2, not enough to build heavy muscle to affect the scales but burning more cals which reflected in my average.

Anyone shed any light why I had such a low loss?



  • Tagwild12345
    Tagwild12345 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi what are you on a day in calories. Make sure your eating enough as that will slow your weight loss down.
  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    could be any number of reasons, from natural weight fluctuation to your body holding onto water due to increased exercise to high sodium intake to overestimated calorieburns and underestimated calorie intake.

    Good news is you are still losing weight, and 600 grams is not at all a bad loss, thats over a pound. Keep at it, as long as the weight keeps going down, you will get there.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    The top candidates would be water retention do to higher sodium intake or exercise. It's going down 1-2 lbs per week, so I would double-check your sodium, and otherwise not worry!
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Food is the primary reason for weight gain and loss.

    But dude, you are losing weight, this is great! I actually am not sure what you are concerned for tbh. 600grams is great!

    You body fluctuates naturally, sometimes I gain 3kg in a week and haven't changed a thing, even improved my habits, but then that weight goes again, it's not fat.

    Make sure you are eating at deficit but also enough to fuel your body.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    The top candidates would be water retention do to higher sodium intake or exercise. It's going down 1-2 lbs per week, so I would double-check your sodium, and otherwise not worry!

    She's using kgs, she lost 600grams, thats 1.3lbs lost.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    So if I'm reading this correctly, you've lost over 6 and a half pounds in 2 weeks. Yeah, expect that to slow down. For weight loss to be healthy and sustainable, the recommended loss is 1-2 lbs a week (roughly 0.5 to 1 kg per week). You often find that weight comes off quite fast at first, but it will then slow down and even out.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,091 Member
    and some weeks will be different to others - sometimes you might even gain a bit - but as long as the overall trend is downward, it is all good.
    Dont expect your weight loss to be exactly the same every week.
  • Rynjak
    Rynjak Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks peoples.
    Appreciate the advice and yes a loss is a loss.
    I'll look at sodium intake and keep doing what I'm doing and maintaining a deficite. I was surprised at such a difference.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    If you increased your exercise in the last week then that could also be causing a little water retention.

    When you exercise, you make tiny tears in your muscles - don't worry this isn't bad (unless you totally rip a whole muscle and boy will you know about that!!) - when our muscles repair those little tears it's how we get stronger and leaner! It's also why our muscles feel sore after a workout, usually later in the day or the day after.

    To repair those little tears, your body send extra blood to the muscle cells, and blood contains a lot of water, so the water can hang around while the repair process is happening. It will all even out again once your body gets used to a new exercise regime.
  • jimwon953
    jimwon953 Posts: 20 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. I think the worst thing about diet programs is that people expect to lose a certain amount each week and if they don't sustain that loss week after week they feel like they've failed.... but that simply isn't true.

    It comes off in bits and bobs, sometimes you stay the same for days then lose a lot quick quickly, then put another couple on, then lose another one, then lose a bit more, put a bit on, stay the same for a while, put a bit more on, lose a lot, lose some more, hit a goal, freak out the next day because you've gone back up a pound over your goal, then you stay the same, then lose a bit..... are you getting the picture?

    Basically, your weight loss graph should have a observable downward trend, but it's not going to be a straight line down... it will probably look like a zig zag. Weigh yourself every day in the morning just after you get up and log it and try not to freak out with the changes. Keep up with the diet and it does all eventually come off.
  • Rynjak
    Rynjak Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you, so true. Sometimes it's good to ask these questions to get some perspective.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I started exercising last week doing Focus T25, and though I was working really hard, was out of breath, sweating buckets and sometimes couldn't keep up, I wasn't hurting the next day. Does this mean I wasn't working hard enough, cos it sure felt like it?
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    That's not really a small loss, there will be much smaller some weeks.