rosalenda Member


  • I like the way you think Ms. jgirlredzz!! I am very happy with what God gives me on a daily basis and very thankful indeed!! I had just began to struggle with the fact that they just didn't seem right but I guess with every change comes more and more change. I will continue to work hard and I know the results will continue…
  • I have been feeling this way myself for about a month or so now and it has affected my confidence also. When I'm in clothing, it's not that big of a deal, but otherwise it is. They are deflating but what I don't understand is why still the access skin?? It's almost like a hole there now when lying down. Weird! To the…
  • That's what I had used and didn't care for. Someone suggested Raw Stevia... I hadn't noticed the two differences, but if Truvia is basically the same thing and I like it - I think I'll just stick to it. :-)
  • Thank you everyone for your input & sorry I hadn't reviewed them earlier. I had forgotten that I had even posted this blog. lol It would be nice if they had notifications... Ya'll are G.R.E.A.T.!!! :-)
  • Hahaha!! Never even heard it! lol :-P
  • It's a good thing I haven't been tempted to try the soda as I don't care to drink soda at all anymore. Surprising twist from just two years ago when I drank about a six pack per day.. Ugh!! So glad that's not me anymore!!!!!
  • Ok I often use it on my grapefruits, which I do eat a lot. About a tsp / half grapefruit. I'll also use it in cereal or tea if I'm not using honey.I haven't tried molasses, but may have to try it in the future..
  • I bought the Stevia, but didn't agree with the flavor. There was something there that I didn't care for but thnx! I believe they are both the same when it comes to being better than sugar right???
  • I also love it on grapefruit and in tea. Unfortunately I have not been able to give up my liquid Italian Sweet Cream Creamer for my coffee yet... yet.... ;-) Gonna try some of the Agave syrup when I find out where to get it.
  • I will need to look for some. I hadn't heard about that.. Thnx! Congrats on the Baby Blessing too by the way DarkFlutter!!! ♥
  • I added an additional snack place right before dinner & it mixed things up. I wanted my eating habits to be more accurate incase that had anything to do with what is going on, so everything before the day I posted this should be rearranged. They need to be moved downward following that first snack. I don't eat trail mix…
  • Thank you both! I started strength training last Monday. I worked super hard last week; getting in 2-4 hrs a day of cardio & strength. I did lost 1 lb in that week, but my measurements are pretty much the same. I really want to fuel my body. I'm not intentionally neglecting my body food, but my problem has been that I…
  • It was only viewable by my friends. I'm learning how to manage this site on my journey. lol :flowerforyou:
  • It's not... I'll check it, but it shows on the home page and my friends are able to review it.
  • Hello Moka Lady :-) I just saw your message. Thank you for responding! I don't really know how this all works yet, so please bare w/me. I have had no luck finding friends on here for some reason & I can't seem to connect to my facebook. I really need some friends for advice, encouragement & even criticism. Any pointers???…