

  • My last comment was a reply to someone stating they didn't start losing on paleo until counting calories. To add more to the general topic: The idea of quality food and not needing to count calories is very much true for paleo/primal, but it has to be viewed in the proper context and adjusted for when there is metabolic…
  • Many on paleo/primal can lose a lot of weight fast without counting calories. However, many on a diet to begin with are coming from a standard American diet (SAD) and are already metabolically damaged. In those cases it sometimes requires going on the lower carb side of paleo/primal and/or counting calories in order to…
  • I just reread the original post. To keep it super simple, with no explanation, and also picking one that others also recommended: Try Optimum Gold Standard 100% Whey. Get the 5 or 10 pound to save money. Try www.bodybuilding.com for a great general supplement source, great prices, and fast shipping.
  • Since there was some discussion on whey protein earlier, I'll add that I generally like whey better, but that doesn't mean you should necessarily return the soy protein. You may find you just like how it tastes, which could be more important than other factors. Scroll to the bottom and look at the numbers.…
  • I have used EAS products in the past including their Myoplex Plus protein as a primary protein supplement for a long time. They have high quality products. I looked at the specs on that EAS Soy Protein, and it's a standard simple protein mix. At 20 g per serving, it's not too little and not too much (that's sort of a…
  • Yes, keep up the good work, but don't get frustrated if it slows. Your calorie deficit may not be adding up to losing that much fat in 10 days. I only point that out, so you can still feel on track if it slows. Also, don't worry if some of it comes back temporarily either. As noted, some of the weight loss can be due to…
  • Yup, it comes down to figuring your personal calorie burn and then eating a surplus. As suggested, 250-500 extra calories per day, and I'll add that women might try only 125-250. The actual figure will be whatever is required to gain an average of .50–1.00 pound per week (men) and .25–.50 (women). If you're not gaining or…
  • Assuming the listed ingredients are just protein and maybe added BCAAs, there's really no difference for "bulking" protein and "weight loss" protein. You may notice that bulking proteins will have higher grams per serving since more protein is needed for that purpose, but it really is nothing more than a serving size…
  • There is no magic weight loss protein. The benefits and any results are going to come from properly integrating protein into your plan and almost nothing to do with the actual brand. That's true as long as you pick any decent/good protein and as long we're not talking about something that might include thermogenics.…
  • Actually eating protein before a workout helps spare muscle. There is science behind it, and bodybuilders that are actually making gains are also the ones typically taking protein or BCAAs before a workout. We don't really want to just lose weight; we really want to lose fat weight. Therefore, taking some protein before a…
  • You can get into a lot of detail in picking a protein, but to make it simple, following these few guidelines. 1. Whey protein is whey protein. Yes some brands are a bit higher quality, some mix better, some taste better, etc. But for the most part, in a similar cost range, it's all pretty much the same in terms of how the…
  • Azdak, I just commented on your earlier post about relative reference to yourself based on the use of machines/formulas to measure calorie burn/effort. The further detail you just added is very good, and I agree when using it as a relative measure in the way described. I don't even think this entertaining disagreement ;-)…
  • mrsbigmack, I second that regarding accuracy without some form of physiological monitoring. Workout machine estimates are helpful, yet they absolutely are providing a best guess and nothing more. Even with your input weight and age, it's still a big guess. Just one of many possible points to help illustrate this further.…
  • I did some searching on that topic, but I couldn't find much. I'm doing intense training and will be switching between gaining and cutting. Last month, my weight loss was right on what was expected based on the calorie deficit. That is after accounting for going on creatine and also considering glycogen depletion. I took a…
  • It certainly picks up calories you normally wouldn't think about. I found that my estimated calorie burn on nonworkout days was ~600 under actual once I started using BodyMedia to get the correct values. Weight loss for a month matches the accumulated calorie deficit as determined by MFP and BodyMedia, so it's highly…