pawstech09 Member


  • Cupcakes... I search for recipes on pinterest and drool at all of the deliciousness.
  • I drink a cup of coffee every morning, but I use 1 tablespoon of sugar free creamer and a small amount of liquid stevia. It is an acquired taste but I love it now. I do not drink any pop of any kind, just water or if we go out to eat I'll get raspberry iced tea as a treat. The only thing I accomplish on no coffee days is a…
  • 2-3 days a week I do 30 minutes of HIIT on either the elliptical or treadmill and then 30-45 minutes of strength training, sometimes instead of the HIIT I'll do some running intervals or C25K. Fridays I go to Body Pump. I also do a Jillian Michaels video once a week if I don't feel like leaving the house, right now it's 6…
  • Hi everyone! I'm a 28 year old mother of 3, twin girls who are 3 years old and a boy who is 19 months old. My thyroid failed after I had my twins, but I didn't realize it for about 10 months during which I gained almost 80lbs. My OB tried to treat me for post partum depression when I described my symptoms, but I had a…
  • I've been on Levothyroxine since December 2011, was pregnant in 2012, started MFP in January 2013 and am on the verge of losing 70lbs. It has taken me longer than it would someone else, and I get frustrated when I read success stories of people who can lose 100lbs in a year! I'm not sure if I'm a success story because I'm…