

  • On the crunches = flat stomach thing, I just want to put in my 2 cents. Crunches are strength training, not cardio. You burn more calories with cardio than with strength training, which is why it's recommended for losing fat (ie, getting a flat stomach). Strength training is for building muscle. If you do a thousand…
  • Fajitas are your best bet, and ask if they are grilled or sauteed. If you can request them to be grilled, do so. Stay away from cheese, chips, and sour cream. Beans tend to be high in calories, but they're also high in protein. Just don't go crazy. Try to limit yourself to one or two of the mini tortillas (I rip them up…
  • Managed to work a meal at my favorite restaurant into my day while staying under my calorie goal (and with almost 150 calories left for dessert at the end of the night if I choose to have it) and not depriving myself of breakfast! It's good to eat things you love and still stay on track.
  • n2thenight24 - The fact that you watch Shameless makes you like my favorite person ever. Just thought you should know lol
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