

  • Done!
    in Gutted Comment by daviesap January 2013
  • Wowzer! I took your advice everyone and drank loads of water yesterday. Then when I got on the scales this morning the weight had dropped off again! Back down to 15 St 11 lbs from 16 St just the day before! So what happened there then? Is it that drinking lots of water means that your body doesn't have to store it and…
    in Gutted Comment by daviesap January 2013
  • :laugh:
    in Gutted Comment by daviesap January 2013
  • Sorry to reply to my own post, but I've remembered why I don't drink much water. Having had 3 glasses this morning - I am up and down to the loo seemingly constantly! Honestly - twice this past hour alone!
    in Gutted Comment by daviesap January 2013
  • I don't know what to say! Thanks so much for your replies. I won't give in - I have been trying too hard for that. Hadn't realised the sodium could have such an effect, and no - I haven't been drinking much water (just lots of coffee). I don't drink enough water by far - something I need to make a point of doing. I do…
    in Gutted Comment by daviesap January 2013