Felicias64 Member


  • I never have eaten healthy! I have never been very coordinated and I am a perfectionist. If I couldn't do it perfect then I chose not to do it. I hated PE in school because I just wasn't good at it. I made straight A's in school with an F in PE. I didn't realize at the time that only doing what comes easy to you so you can…
  • He is like my personal trainer! Yes I work out in front of him and sometimes with him. He helps me and tells me when I have bad form! I help him too... we are in this together! I love having the support!!! I was actually surprised that I was a little embarrased the other day when I worked out in front of my niece LoL I…
  • Before my lifestyle change which is DEFINITELY what this is for me. I NEVER ate breakfast.... just wasn't hungry in the mornings. I would grab lunch on the go (Fast food most of the time) and then have a decent dinner (meat, a vegge, carb such as pasta potato or rice) I have no clue how many calories I was eating. I wasn't…
  • I just stopped drinking it. At work we have a water cooler(one that actually keeps the water ice cold) So I just continuously refill my water bottle while I am working so I don't get thristy. I keep water in the refridgerator at home and I only drink that. I do not buy soda at ALL. I will have unsweet tea (sweetened…
  • I added you - Feel free to add me anyone else. I have been doing My fitness pal for about a month and a half I have lost a total of 12 lbs since I started my weightless journey. I have been doing Jillians Shred I am almost finished. I have two days left of level 3. I also am going to the gym 4-5 days a week. Just trying to…
  • Add me too and others can add me as well... I have been doing this since January 1st and have lost 12 lbs so far. I also can see this being something I can live with forever :)
  • I have been doing 30 day shred in the mornings and then gonig to the gym or walking in the evenings for extra cardio. So I get about an hour of excercise/day. I am on Day 5 of Level 3. Level 3 is my favorite!!! I love the shadow boxing so I was really happy she brought that back! I hated level 2 but it has helped ALOT on…
  • I hated working out and could barely do 3 girl push-ups when I started Jillians Shred! I used 3 lb weights on everything. 10 days of each level is what you are supposed to do. I am now on Level 3 Day 5 and I can do REAL pushups I can do most of Natalies moves some I still have to modify though. I had NO upper body strength…
  • You do not look the same! You look alot smaller! Great job!!!!
  • Jillians Shred It is on youtube so you don't even have to pay for it. When I started I could not do ONE girl push up! It was soooo hard by day 3 I was doing most of the girl ones and now I can do real push ups. They are still hard and I am still working on it. I am on Level 3 day 2. But it is pretty awesome to see the…
  • That is amazing!!! Congratulations on getting your life back!!!!!!
  • I do 30 day shred and the gym... I am on day 2 of level 2. I have been doing thirty day shred first thing in the morning and gonig to the gym after work and getting in 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical, bike or arc trainer. I like to get the extra cardio.
  • I did day 2 of level 2. I also was like you and thought I would be doing level 1 for thirty days but decided after 10 that I wanted to move on to work some different muscles.... The only problem I am having is a bad right knee but I am not letting that stop me. I have to modify the jumping jacks and jump ropes because of…
  • I am on day four and I agree. The first three days were the hardest. Today was a little easier and I get better and better each day. I think it is a good start! I could not do insanity right now but would love to get there and Jillan Michales 30 day shred is going to help me! :) I plan on doing thirty day shred in the…