What's you 30 Day shred success story?

My friend suggested a program called 30 day shred. I never heard of have any of you tried it? she said let's do this then after we will do Insanity it kind of sounds like a great Idea! Have you done 30 day shred Jillian Micheal's?
what where your results Im trying to get down 50-60 lbs by July what do you think, Im already on my way to eating well I drink only water and green tea these days, Turning to smoothies for meal replacements soon,

Let me know your success please


  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    I've done it but never stuck to it, purely my own fault. It is a good workout for 20 mins and I was surprised at how much I was sweating. It combines star jumps, push ups, squats, lunges, abs and more so its quite versitile.
  • tjschmitt10
    It's great! An amazing way to give you a work out. My husband and I started it on sunday (Jan 13th) and all I can say its already amazing feeling. I'm feeling great. A little sore but it's that good sore you get after a workout knowing you're that much closer to your goal. I also am looking at losing 50 or more lbs. My husband is just looking to help me. He's great support. We just had a baby almost 4 months ago and for him we're changing our lifestyle. Eating better and exercising. :)
  • AdrianasMombieED
    AdrianasMombieED Posts: 117 Member
    today is day 3 for me(:
    love it. but sooooooooooooooooo sore!!<3
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    It's a nice workout, only 20 mintus. It haves 3 levels, every level 10 days. De first 3 days of every level are the hardest and after those 3 days, you get more used to it.

    Good luck!!
  • Felicias64
    Felicias64 Posts: 15 Member
    I am on day four and I agree. The first three days were the hardest. Today was a little easier and I get better and better each day. I think it is a good start! I could not do insanity right now but would love to get there and Jillan Michales 30 day shred is going to help me! :) I plan on doing thirty day shred in the mornings and 30 minutes of cardio in the evening starting next week. This week I have just been doing 30 day shred, eating less than 1600 calories and drinking LOTS of water. NO SODA! Only 2 cups of coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day. I feel so much better and plan on sticking with this new lifestyle change!
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Great for you Felicias64,

    Soda was hard for me to drop and right now coffee is something I am trying to let go. Notice I did say "Trying" lol. Keep it up. How far did you get with Insanity? When you get back to trying it if you need some advise let me know. Having gone through it a few times my self and I have to admit during the fit test I vomited.... Stick to it.

  • kaitie23
    kaitie23 Posts: 119 Member
    I m starting the 30DS in February. I was just curious how does everyone log the exercise in their diary?
  • Felicias64
    Felicias64 Posts: 15 Member
    Circuit Training
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I am currently doing the 30 day shred and I just did day 2 of level 3. I have lost inches and my shirts are getting baggy. I am working on losing 60 lbs hopefully by summer and like you, I drink lots of water and tea. I have noticed increased strength and endurance in levels 1 & 2 of the shred. I am struggling with level 3, but in a few days, I should be able to do the moves. The first couple of days are a struggle with each level as you are learning the moves, but they get better the more you do them. The shred has become a daily habit with me and it is one of the first things I do when I wake up.

    30 Day Shred is highly recommended!
  • jdim1093
    jdim1093 Posts: 418 Member
    I started 30DS on Saturday. I had to take Monday off because I was so sore I couldn't move. Tuesday I was back on. With the one rest day, I feel I recovered qutie well. I'm pain free this morning after doing day 4 last night. The 4lb weights I have are too light for rowing and chest fly, but too much for some of the others. I'll be hitting the store on the way home tonight to get some 2lb and 8 lb dumbells. My endurance is up. I have been sleeping better at night, too.

    I log it as a custom cardio exercise. I wear a HRM and have been burning between 300 and 350 calories. I follow up immediately with a 220 calorie Muscle Milk for the protein for recovery. Then a shower and some TV, of course.

    The video I use from YouTube is designed for day 1 level 1, so after 4 days, I'm merely using the video as a fancy timer and reminder of what to do next. I tune Jillian out. She's not as annoying as some folks have warned, but I don't need to hear about how bad she wants hard abs every day.
  • Jday71
    Jday71 Posts: 39
    Love it. I am on day 13 and the third day of level 2. I do it in the morning then supplement with more cardio in the afternoon. I didnt measure before or after but clothes fit better.
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    I did it for 30 days (not actually straight through - took a few days off in there - took me about 35 days) and lost 9 pounds and about 3 inches!
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    Oh and I must say that I was a weakling and stayed ONLY on level 1. I still got good results!
  • powlist
    powlist Posts: 23 Member
    I am on Day 6 of Level 1, I have noticed that I can do all the cardio moves now, which I could not on Day 1. Still have trouble with some of the strength moves and the last ab exercise is not my friend! I have lost 2 inches in my waist so far. I do the program at night and record it as circuit training.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    This is the only work out ive ever stuck with. I really like it because the exercises change quickly, I did the 30 days, now im on my second round of it. This is the link to my results from my first time in december.

  • giuliajustdoit
    it's a great dvd for beginners! in this dvd Jillian teaches you the basics and levels are gradually more intense.
    I would suggest to someone who is not so into fitness and wanna learn more.
    I started from that dvd few years ago then i tried all others JM dvds, started running long distances, then Turbofire and now Im doing Insanity! If fitness dvds system is a stair, 30 day shred is the first step into a successful fitness journey! :-)
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I love it! I did it last August when I had about 30 lbs to lose. I ended up losing 6 lbs and lots of inches.

    Just a word about setting time goals, like losing 50 lbs by July...As you start to lose weight, you might notice that it doesn't come off as consistently as you want it to. Usually I can go a whole month without losing a pound (but doing everything "right" like staying under calorie goal every day, working out, etc.) and then in the 5th week all the weight falls off. Then it might go back up, come down, go up...etc. I used to set time limits for myself and then as it gets closer to the time goal and I know I'm not going to achieve it, I just give up. I've done this so many times. Last August when I started eating right and working out, I told myself I would lose the weight, no matter how long it takes. Time is going to pass anyway! I have lost 26 lbs with 4 lbs to go with this mindset.

    Also about the smoothies...I tried doing this too, but then I ended up eating food anyway. Smoothies filled me up for maybe a half hour, then I always got hungry again. There's no need to replace meals with smoothies and you can probably get more nutrients and satisfaction out of real food anyway. I know I would much rather have some teriyake grilled chicken with brown rice and roasted zucchini than something green in a cup!

    ETA: I loved 30 Day Shred so much that now I have 7 of her DVDs and I rotate them 4-5 days a week along with 2 ballet classes per week. I'll start running again when it gets warmer. Love Jillian! My favorite right now is 6 Week 6 Pack. I can really see the difference in my abs and I just added it to the rotation a couple weeks ago.
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    I am just moving on to level 2. I can see a difference in my arms and waist (and I've been losing weight). It is tough at first, and when your comfortable, that's when you move up and be challenged again. Totally go for it!
  • mswize
    mswize Posts: 113 Member
    I am on my 20th day! I love it! I like that the exercises move pretty quickly, I can do anything for 45 seconds....right? Stick with it and you will see results, I am kicking myself for not taking before pictures and measurements. I have lost a few pounds, I need a new belt for my pants (the old one is too big)! and I have gained a lot of strength and cardiovascular fitness. Go for it!
  • goddessofsewing
    goddessofsewing Posts: 110 Member
    I finished it at the beginning of this month. The workout was great for me. I took off Sundays as rest days, as well as Christmas. I gained weight and you can't see any difference in the pictures because in December I ate every single Christmas goodie I was given. Oops. The good news came after I started eating right again. When my weight went back down to where I was when I started 30DS (it took about three weeks) I had smaller measurements and much better muscle definition in my arms.