

  • Wow. Really bad week. It is that time of the month and is the first time since baby was born. I have eaten fairly well considering. Ok here goes my weigh in - PW - 168 CW - 168 GW - 165 (my next target) It might not have been a good week but I know this week is a new week and am feeling a bit better so hoping it will bring…
  • SW - 170.8 CW - 168 GW - 165 (this is my next goal weight) I was surprised that I lost anything seeing as I have pigged out this week. Well done everyone. That's another week over with and one week closer to our goals : )
  • Really hope your toothache clears up soon. Not having a good end to the week here. Have been up with my 2 month old as she is teething. As a result I eat 3 mars bars today. I never eat that many, maybe 2 at the most. I think tomorrow instead of turning to food I might make a big effort to drink an energy drink and get some…
  • PW - 174 CW - 170.4 GW - 168 (this is my 1st goal weight) I have lost 17lbs althogther, since I had my little girl at the end of October 2012. It just seems to be dropping of at the moment. Hope your ear ache and tooth ache have gone now (or at least eased off if they haven't). Your all doing really well. So proud of…
  • I'm from the park (Yes I played on the swing and went down the slide(with my son of course)). According to my pedometer I did 5925 steps. I'm shocked. It's a really good pedometer and won't count a step if you jump like so many. I have to say I'm very proud of myself. Keepp up the good work everyone. Together we will reach…
  • Going to go take DS to the park in a while. Might take him to the bigger one on the other side of the lake (about 30 min walk ). Will let you know how many steps I do. Hopefully can make it that far lol. As for the star jumps. Not sure when I last done them but hubby said he will do them with me. Giggles here they come :-)…
  • Hi all. I'm Bex and am 25. I weigh 188lbs and am 5ft7. I put on so much weight with my first child (around 3 stone) and never lost it. I have since had my second child and most likely the last. I love walking and exercising but find I still manage to come up with some excuse not to workout. Children seem to get in the way.…