It took me about 30 pounds and a slimmer face, unfortunately it took me losing 80+ pounds and regaining it and THEN looking through old photos to realize how much progress i made :( so. . . don't be discouraged
I'M SO happy for you! fantastic ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I lost 80 pounds (2011-2012) gained back 50 (2013-2014) keeping off 30 altogether and starting to lose again, hopefully not gain any back. how i did it? mainly MFP consistently and daily exercise (30-1 hour) cardio and strength / mostly whatever i liked vs. a strict regime / i didn't over think it, i just did it
Just for today, Sunday, 1/18 1. Stay within my calorie limit 2. Exercise, even a little 3. Prep healthy snacks
i gotta get outta this thread, it's making me want more haha
I love black coffee; aside from Starbucks specialty drinks it's the only way I enjoy it at home. I read on "buzzfeed" don't judge me haha that if it's too bitter add a little pinch of salt and some other hacks I'm not sure of. Play around with different roasts and brands. i'm not a big snob so folgers specialty roast is…
today i tried avocado; idk not tasty or yummy (bland) - like the texture which is it's only saving grace
Just for today: -Stay within my calorie limit -30 minutes of activity -don't feel guilty about what I eat at the wedding tonight :smile:
I put the covers back over my head at 7 beautiful degrees, Memphis :( depressingly cold, it NEVER gets that cold, haha
still feeling ugly after you lose weight is the quickest WAY to gain it back, speaking from experience. loss 80+ gained back 30+ and working this whole year to get it back off and i hate it long story short, i now appreciate where i was and can't wait to get back there.
that's the best time to tell the truth, to someone who you have a vested interest in. especially if they ask, ever met someone who just couldn't lie? I LOVE those people because you shouldn't ask if you don't want the truth, truth helps you change/grow
Honesty is great, not everyone has the courage to be honest with themselves or others :( sad truth
I have low arches and started dealing with plantar fasciitis over a year ago and Brooks running shoes are great, and if you're interested in getting into barefoot running or just walking then Vibram and other minimal shoes have been shown to work well
there's not a wrong way to exercise. lol i mean you can over-do something and hurt yourself, but whatever activity you choose on any given day is better than choosing nothing at all. yes to strength training if that's what you desire. when i did turbo fire i did a little bit everything. i am way to A.D.D. to stick to one…
goes to workout some more!>
Yes to your body cleansing itself, but to answer your question, a pro to juicing is pretty much the concept of any weightloss plan and that is creating a caloric deficit. For me, I never did a juice fast, but because I really disliked veggies & wasn't getting enough in, I saw nothing wrong with juicing them. A con to…
Generally, not wanting to be 300 pounds again works for me
problem is, I feel bad, but not enough to not do it again. tastes too good, lol solution: eat what you like, not everyday, but allow it, control it, count the calories and continue with better choices
CDs or buy individual MP3 songs I like (or $5.00 amazon albums)
nice job
yes, always overweight. it's very hard, but you can do it though. it's a mindset thing, always the biggest hurdle to get over
I agree with them ^.....If you're doing this healthy and you're happy I say Ignore anything that's not praise. Very easy to lose too fast, and re-gain the weight. Keep going
waitress. hated it. not altogether but for the most part is sucked. had anywhere from 2-5 store managers working at one time and they could never coordinate similar ways they wanted you to work. the other waitresses would steal tips. people think waitresses have any kind of control on how fast or slow food cooks, we don't.…
lol. yes, people don't get offended if you're overweight (which I still am) i am waiting for the day my wearing yoga pants causes people to turn against me, haha count your blessings.
i wear yoga pants to work exclusively, we all do. i work w/ kids, it's kind of necessary since we're in a wellness facility. we could wear khakis, but why when yoga pants are an option, lol
go you
kinda got tired of reading all the comments, but honestly you can just turn off the computer, it's always an option, ALWAYS. for you, for everyone, for me, just turn it OFF! and yes, I believe some people are rude/unhelpful on the boards, but people are rude in real life too, someone, if only one person can and will help…