

  • So many awesome pets! This is my 13 year old Shih-Tzu Dusty This is him as a pup This is Baileigh our 5 month old Pit when we brought her home at 7 weeks And this is Baileigh now with my gf
    in Pets Comment by geekgrrl70 March 2012
  • My partner has a 15 and a half year old son.. yes the half is important because he just got his drivers permit. :) We've been together almost 6 years, before me she was with another woman for 9 years and with his dad before that. In some respects we are very lucky.. we live in the bay area so gay parenting just isn't an…
  • Hi Rachel.. Welcome!
  • Congrats! and props to your girl and your friends for pulling it off so well. Great story..
  • I'm in too.. Pushing for 2lbs a week. I have 93 days left until I ride out of SF with 2000 of my closest friends on a bicycle trip to LA. Would like to loose as much as possible before then. The less I have to carry with me up hills the better!
  • Is there still room for one more? :) I could use the challenge and some focus.