

  • 9.. would be 10 if it was green :)
  • Right now, I'm 5'4", 144 lbs. I'm considered "healthy", but barely. My goal is to be around 135 which isn't too low for my height. Maybe I'm just destined to be where I am.. I'm going to start a new workout routine today and maybe that will do something. I just called my husband and our insurance covers 5 therapist visits.…
  • I have a drink every night, sometimes two. I have lost a total of 100 lbs! When I'm at home, I drink vodka with trop50 and diet cranberry juice. When I'm out at the bar, I have vodka with club soda and a splash of cran. I also put calories aside for the alcohol.
  • I'm putting my 2 cents in: I agree, but disagree.. Since I've been trying to eat "healthier", our grocery bills are all over the place. It all depends on what's on sale and if I have coupons. Yes, ground turkey is cheaper than beef, but a bag of apples here costs almost double a box of Little Debbie snacks. Apples here, on…
  • Check out my diary! I tried to eat more calories, but the weight wasn't coming off. Once I started eating between 1200-1300, the weight is falling off! My advice is to eat a bunch of little things all day long. I'm constantly eating (as in a yogurt at 8am, my actual breakfast at 10, 1/2 of my lunch at 12, the other half at…
  • Thanks everyone! I found a better before pic.
  • Sorry the pics are so big. Still new at posting pics
  • I would like answers too! My husband wants me to see a therapist, but I don't want to spend the money. I have a love/hate relationship with food. I've lost 99 lbs, but haven't healed that "relationship". I ate HALF a donut the other day and felt so guilty that I did an extra 45 min on the exercise bike. I keep thinking…
  • I like you tooooooo! Try living close to Baltimore and dealing with the stupid "Crows" fans. (I'm an Eagles fan, but I so miss the Joe Montana, Steve Young, Jerry Rice days.. That was REAL football. Not this watered down game that they play now)
  • Bumping this because I'm interested...
  • Crazy, because I'm the complete opposite!! I do so much better if we are out for the entire day. Probably because I'm also a cheapskate and refuse to buy lunch or snacks for myself. Right now, with it being so cold, I'm struggling because we are home all the time - with sickness going around and it being 20 degrees out,…
  • Hang out - our kids could play together :smile:
  • LOL Date or hang out for a drink (I know, I need to fix the pic)
  • Pork tenderloin with a honey mustard glaze mashed potatoes broccoli Yum!
  • Hang out - a drink or shopping :smile:
  • I always have a cup of coffee with splenda in it! It helps make me feel full, I get a sweet taste, AND coffee helps speed up your metabolism!
  • Um, I lost 99 lbs with no exercise. I would love to be able to find time, but I'm a stay at home mom of 2 little toddlers under 4, one of which who does not nap. Then I work from 4pm-midnight and am lucky to get 7 hours of sleep. No, I'm not flabby. I look fine in a bikini.
  • Yay! Keep it up! I just entered my "healthy zone" a couple of weeks ago. Feels great, huh?!
    in NSV Comment by mjoymarshall January 2013
  • I eat fruit every day. I have a sweet tooth, and I choose fruit now over chocolate or cake. I tend to stick with melons which, while they are high in sugar they are low in calories and super high in water. I guess it all depends on your personal diet/food plan.
  • I'm married, but I'm my own person. My husband trusts me and respects my judgment. But then I don't hit on people... AND NO ONE ON THE SITE HAS HIT ON ME.. BOOOOOOO! Just Kidding.. :smile:
  • I'm 142 lbs now (whoop, whoop). I TRY to eat around 1300 calories a day. I'm lightly active; no "arranged exercise". As of today, I've lost 99 lbs!!!!!!! According to my BMR, I should eat more. But I can't. If that makes any sense. For me, I need to eat the "healthy food" -fruits, veggies, yogurt, etc. I know that…
  • Maybe. But I'm OK with any of those compliments. It just feels nice to be desirable no matter how it's put. That's the point I'm at right now...
  • It's all in who you say it to. As you can see from all the previous posts, MOST women would take it as a compliment. But some are a little uptight. So I would say you have a 90/10 shot. Only 10% chance of being slapped. I would take those odds. You can call me a MILF anytime...
  • How does getting hit on get old???????? Doesn't your husband or significant other ever hit on you anymore? Oh, and a guy isn't firstly attracted to a "successful career". Maybe it's icing on the cake so to say, but why do men start talking to you? Because you look nice/hot..
  • Well, when you've been overweight your entire life and didn't get your first boyfriend until you were 18, and always felt unattractive to the opposite sex, this is a major confidence booster. You don't have to agree with me. To me, it feels nice being "desired" in whatever way I can be "desired" :ohwell:
  • I deal with this too. I'm 31 and have been heavy all my life. Two years ago, I decided to make a change. I went from 241 lbs down to 144 today!! A size 22 down to a size 8. But when I look in the mirror, I still see a fat person. I see women on the street and say to my husband "I want to be that small". He turns to me and…
  • YES! I'm a stay at home mom during the day and I work evenings. I have absolutely NO time to work out. I was concerned about this and read article after article on the subject. Everything that I read pointed to the fact that weight loss is 80% what you eat and 20% excercise. Which makes a lot of sense when you think about…