Yes, One of those "I'm Done!" Posts

I joined MFP the end of December. Before that, I used Sparkpeople. I just came over to this website because my friend was on here.

I can't say it's been a total loss. I've lost 96 lbs. (It did get to be 100, but for some reason I've GAINED 4 lbs).

They say that the last 10 lbs is the hardest to lose, but this is RIDICULOUS! I've been stuck at 145 since September. It's getting to the point where I'm frustrated and depressed because I've been trying so hard.

I work out 20-30 min a day (as much as I can do since I stay at home with the kids and I have 2 under 3 1/2).

I seriously have only had ONE cheat meal in the past 2 months and that was for the Super Bowl.

My diary is open if anyone wants to take a look. I'll probably be told to "eat more". Psychologically, I don't think I can. My biggest fear is to get fat again, so sometimes it's hard for me to eat anything, I'm not hungry. I'm not starving myself. I probably need a therapist about it, but I can't afford one.


  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    For me it's the last 20lb that are stubborn... Yet, the only exercise I do is walking... I know if I change that to more "violent" sports, I would most probably lose the rest. It's all in the motivation and putting your finger on the possible problem.
    You can do it! Dont quit!
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Firsty, congratulations on everything you've done. That accomplishment is huge! Next, is the last 10lbs really worth it to you to make yourself crazy over? Is so okay, then stay where you are. Just because you're done, doesn't mean you go back to where you were. If you do want to lose the last ten pounds then really clean up your diet. Cut the sugar, cut the processed foods (I haven't look at your diary so you may be doing this), cut your sodium. Change up your workouts. Okay, so you only have 30mins.. do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, its intense! Find time to workout with your kids.. take them for a walk, go to the park and run around with them. Get your exercise time in with them. Mostly don't give up, the last ten are really hard but it can be done!
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    For me it's the last 20lb that are stubborn...

    you know you say "the last 20lbs are stubborn" - how does your body know that you are trying to lose "the last 20lbs"? coz i've got about 28 left to go and i don't think my body realises. it might think i have like.. 40 to go. or 10. it's a strange statement to read and this is a genuine question not a smart *kitten* comment.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    #1, you aren't eating enough. Set your setting to .5lbs a week and eat your exercise calories. You'll lose slower, but you'll lose steady.

    #2, you might need to try a new, more intense for of exercise to "jump-start" your body. Come on, you lost 96lbs you can't stop now!
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Its a way of speech =P
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    For me it's the last 20lb that are stubborn...

    you know you say "the last 20lbs are stubborn" - how does your body know that you are trying to lose "the last 20lbs"? coz i've got about 28 left to go and i don't think my body realises. it might think i have like.. 40 to go. or 10. it's a strange statement to read and this is a genuine question not a smart *kitten* comment.

    It's not truly about the last 10 or 20 pounds. If someone has their goal set higher in their healthy range or even above their healthy range, then the statement usually isn't true. It's the people that set their goals lower in their healthy ranges that usually have this problem. You lose slower when you have less to lose. So your first 50 may come off in the same amount of time as your last 10.

    Also, when people get down to 10-20 pounds to lose, they may actually start sabotaging themselves. When you have lost 50 pounds, you know that you are good at losing weight. Usually, the thing that you don't know is if you are going to be able to maintain. It freaks people out and they stop doing that things that they know how to do because that magic number scares them.
  • Right now, I'm 5'4", 144 lbs. I'm considered "healthy", but barely. My goal is to be around 135 which isn't too low for my height. Maybe I'm just destined to be where I am.. I'm going to start a new workout routine today and maybe that will do something. I just called my husband and our insurance covers 5 therapist visits. I think I'm going to make an appt today!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Your eating plan doesn't look bad, it could probably use some tweaking if you want to really work on losing BF%. I notice your exercise calories are pretty high for only doing 20-30 mins. What are you doing and how are you calculating that? I see you aren't eating them back which is how I handle it but maybe you need to change up what you're doing and how you're assessing it. I lost my last 5 to 10 lbs by running 3 days a week. It was the only thing I found that really leaned me out. Once you lose the weight with cardio you can work on strength to get some muscle definition.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I'm with you, I need to lose 10 more lbs as well and they are fighting. I will keep doing what i am doing. I just started changing my workout. Maybe change up your workout, I've also heard that allowing cheat days once in a while keeps your body out of starvation mode ( at least thats what I tell myself :wink: )
  • betoarango
    betoarango Posts: 222 Member

    you know you say "the last 20lbs are stubborn" - how does your body know that you are trying to lose "the last 20lbs"? coz i've got about 28 left to go and i don't think my body realises. it might think i have like.. 40 to go. or 10. it's a strange statement to read and this is a genuine question not a smart *kitten* comment.

    There is a limit to the daily fat oxidationn possible (sommewere around 30 cals/day/lb of fat I believe) as you progress you have less lbs of fat available to oxidize your fat loss slows down. Dont give up you will get there... you have done 95 percent of the work, dont give up within sight of the finish line....
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm 5'4" and currently 130 pounds. I took me from June to January to drop those last 15 pounds. I had to take a few weeks off and eat at maintenance to break through that 145 plateau. I started losing again when I set my calories to 1,600 and started doing more strength training. I really liked Jillian Michaels Body Revolution for my workouts. I'm now maintaining at 2,000 calories and doing P90X.

    It is possible to lose that last bit of body fat, but it takes time and patience.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Right now, I'm 5'4", 144 lbs. I'm considered "healthy", but barely. My goal is to be around 135 which isn't too low for my height. Maybe I'm just destined to be where I am.. I'm going to start a new workout routine today and maybe that will do something. I just called my husband and our insurance covers 5 therapist visits. I think I'm going to make an appt today!

    I think seeing the therapist is a good idea -- especially if (as you said) you're feeling the need to talk to someone qualified about your fears. Not enough people even realize they have a fear / sadness underneath an issue that needs addressing, so you're already on the right road, and 1/2way there. :flowerforyou: As someone who's had therapy, it does help, especially if you can find a good doc that you trust and can help you find methods to improve your mind-set and reactions in a way that gives you the power to do it for yourself when they're not there, or when therapy is over. Good luck with your sessions!

    That said, I also had a lot of trouble w/my last few lbs., and I do think that there are certain weights (w/in the 5-10 lb. of your "lowest" weight) that your body is happiest at -- meaning you're not hungry all the time, you can exercise until you drop, you have energy, and are getting stronger. Sometimes that's a larger number than the "magic number" we have in our heads of where we want to be. For me, my lowest weight was when I was injured and not able to do much exercise. Once I started working out again (especially w/strength training), I gained 5-7 lbs. over 4 months, but my BF % stayed the same. It took me a while to wrap my head around my body at the "skinny" weight, and my body at a "muscular" weight. And even though I've maintained my weight and BF% for more than 10 months, I am still getting used to letting go of that scale number and concentrating on the fact that I'm stronger, faster, better, and still fit into my clothes, no matter what the scale says.

    Hang in there. Your mind will catch up with your new body -- it just takes longer, and is sometimes more maddening than the "losing" stage. HUGS! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: