ilovecoffee Member


  • Been there. It is so frustrating! There are a few reasons for summer weight gain-- 1. Your body will hold on to extra water to compensate for increased sweating. 2. Because it is hotter, your body does not have to expend as much energy keeping up your body temperature. 3. Due to the heat, you tend to move less and thus…
  • You could try walking once a day. Rather than seeing it as exercise use it as "me" time. Listen to your favorite music or audiobook, forget about everything else and try to enjoy some time to yourself. It can be very therapeutic and relaxing. Eventually you could start adding some speed walking and or jogging. Best of luck…
  • I work 12 hrs shifts so for me it is not possible to exercise every day either. However, I do have one day a week where I run 12 miles instead of my usual 4-6. I get in about 20-25 miles of running and 2 hrs of something else every week. So don't sweat it if you cannot work out every day.:flowerforyou:
  • Fresh food is best!!! I often stop at a grocery store somewhere along the way during my weekly long run. I always get something from the produce department, rather than a power bar or power gel. Today, an apple. As for food to take along on bike rides, runs, hikes, etc., nothing beats dates. Pack a handful in a plastic…
  • Hi, Running is different for everyone. A lot of it has to do with weight. As you lose weight, running will more than likely become easier. For now, just get out there and move! You are on the right track. Keep up the good work!
  • Probably in the minority here, but I do not like them. If I want chocolate, I will eat the real thing. Two dove chocolates contain only 88 calories and every single one of them is enjoyable. The same goes for all this non-fat cheese, butter, etc. For a quick sugar rush before a workout nothing beats a fresh orange. To…
  • Try dunking the electrode parts in water. They have to be wet in order to work. This seems to work for me.
  • oops, I meant to post "not just workwise":wink:
  • Hi, I'm 40 and work at a hospital too. I work 12hr shifts and the last 3-4 hours are the worst, and just workwise. There is snack/junk food all over the place, I'm tired, and it takes all my willpower to "be good" and not falter.