running question

kas1021 Posts: 92
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Everyone has been telling me to start easy and just jog. for example jog a minute walk 30 seconds then run for another 2 mins then walk a minute. but long distances are not working for me. I discovered today that I feel like i'm getting a better workout and building endurance if i sprint for 30 seconds then walk 30 seconds then sprint 45 seconds and walk 30 etc etc. I just cant do a steady run for very long.and i found i can actually do more this way. is this ok? anyone that is a runner know what the difference is? I know i need to work on slow and steady as a foundation but will my way work? for now at least? i'd appreciate any tips. thank you :)


  • froggy905
    froggy905 Posts: 23 Member
    I am in the same boat myself. It is fine to start with short intervals (45 seconds to a minute), as when you are just starting out, this is all it will take to keep your heart rate up in the 'workout' zone. However, once your body becomes accustomed to running, you will likely need to extend your running interval in order to get your heart rate up and get a good workout.
  • ilovecoffee
    ilovecoffee Posts: 9 Member
    Running is different for everyone. A lot of it has to do with weight. As you lose weight, running will more than likely become easier. For now, just get out there and move! You are on the right track. Keep up the good work!
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    You should look into the C25K running program.. It is a 9 week running program designed to gradually increase your distance and build your endurance so you can run 30 minutes straight or for a 5K It's amazing!

  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Definitely look into the Couch25k program! It's pretty fantastic! There's a great app for it if you have an iPhone or an iPod touch. Either way though, here's a link that tells all about it!

    I promise you will be running in no time with it!
  • Sprints are better for building your cardio-vascular endurance. Period.

    Long distance running is great for burning calories, and you do build up endurance there as well, but as far as I've ever been told my entire life, including my speed coach heading into college; sprints are ten million times more effective at building cardio-vascular endurance, which is more important than long distance running in both the short term, and the long term for health reasons.

    I think though, that maybe you just misunderstood what people were telling you? Some of the best sprinting exercise you can get is interval work, ie; SPRINT for 30 seconds(which HAS to be as hard as you can go) and then jog for 15. Rinse. Repeat. You want your heart and lungs to have to surge in effort to maximize your gains.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I agree with the C25K. I just ran 20 minutes straight tonight and I have NEVER been a runner. It eases you into running a half hour straight. I :heart: the program. I plan on running the Disneyland 5K when I'm done.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Definitely look into the Couch25k program! It's pretty fantastic! There's a great app for it if you have an iPhone or an iPod touch. Either way though, here's a link that tells all about it!

    I promise you will be running in no time with it!

    I did C25K and I went from barely being able to run 45 seconds to being able to run 45 minutes. :wink:
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