Any 40+ year olds wanting to support each other?

Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself

I am a 42 Mom of one, works full time (a day/ rotation at a hospital) and realized my eating was out of control! I was thin once, lost 50 lbs 12 years ago. And magically it found me again! So I am going to lose it again this year... but I need help. My family is super supportive, which I really appreciate.

Anyway, I am looking for others who are in the same kind of situation to encourage ourselves along this crazy journey.

Looking forward to hearing back from some of you!


  • figgy
    figgy Posts: 2
    I am in the same boat and really could use the encouragement and support of other women who are serious about loosing weight! Do you live in Los Angeles? Preferably the valley and if so are you a member of 24 hr. fitness? I can't wait to get in shape!!!!!!! Let's make this fun and do it together.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi Figgy,

    I am a far ways from LA! I am in Ottawa, Ontario Canada! Not just around the corner!
  • Good Morning Ladies,

    I am 41 years old and am starting this journey again for what feels like the 100th time :-). I am more determined now that I am a new grandmother. I am glad to see that there are others in my age range that are serious about losing weight. I am so excited, I started the body for life eating plan on the 4th of January and so far have seen some results. Also, if your like me and don't really care for a "gym" per say, I attend a Zumba class, it is sooooo much fun and it really works you out. I am not close to either of you ladies, I live in Oklahoma City, OK, but would like to keep in touch with you to keep each other encouraged.

    Have a wonderful day and lets keep our eyes on our goals and reach them together.
  • Hello,
    My name is Tammy, and I will be 41 in February, I have 3 grandchildren and I am starting this fitness thing also, Im going to make this last. I did this work out video about 5 1/2 years ago to get into my wedding dress, yes i said wedding dress. I met the most wonderfull man and i got remarried. Well lets say i dropped 20 lbs and got into a size 10 from a 16. Well some how it all found me,
    and the winter months don't help. Now im back to square 1 and this time im goint to keep it off..My daughter told me about this site and i think it's wonderfull that there are people out there that help each other and can get thru their difficult time... I live in Indiana and im glad to be part of this site..keep in touch lady's
  • bakergirl62
    bakergirl62 Posts: 248 Member
    Come on ladies you can do it! There are tons of groups to join. I'd be happy to help motivate ya'll. I've been here almost a year. Lots of people have been here two plus years. This is a great place for support and motivation.
  • ilovecoffee
    ilovecoffee Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm 40 and work at a hospital too. I work 12hr shifts and the last 3-4 hours are the worst, and just workwise. There is snack/junk food all over the place, I'm tired, and it takes all my willpower to "be good" and not falter.
  • ilovecoffee
    ilovecoffee Posts: 9 Member
    oops, I meant to post "not just workwise":wink:
  • nwilliams36
    nwilliams36 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to. I will be 41 and have always been slim. Last year i wieghed 189! and lost 35 pounds. Unfortunatley since Winter started I've gained it back. I have re-joined the gym but still weak when it comes to food.
  • Hiya

    I'm 40 in June does that count? I'm a long way away in Scotland but chat to Canada often as my cousin lives there.

    Got 80lbs to lose and a young child to entertain and doing the journey myself but determined.

    I'd be glad to keep you company along the way and share ideas as ill soon be in the 40+ club.

  • AndreaLee
    AndreaLee Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 47, work with my husband at home with our business. Easy to eat anytime I want. 3rd time round on My Fitness Pal, each time it has worked, then I go back to not watching and whoops!

    Worked nights on fire security last year over the summer for some extra cash - didn't help as the cook fed us very well, sat in a vehicle all night, then slept all day. Packed it on but good, then Christmas gained some more.

    Been on FitnssPal 4 about 3 weeks now and lost 9, so happy with the progress. Know it works! Great to have the support. Good luck every1.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Ok.... I am in. I am 40 and ready to lose the baby fat. SInce my "baby" is almost 8 I figure it is time to stop blaming her for the extra 40 to 50 lbs :)

    My 20th wedding anniversary is in August and I would LOVE to be a slimmer healthier me by then.

    Only my 3rd using the food counter and it has been interesting.

  • JenUB
    JenUB Posts: 84
    Greetings from Wisconsin! I'm 40 and have two young children: 5 & almost 3. I don't remember a day of my life that my weight has not been a concern for me. I have short periods of my life when I remember being thin, but the pounds always came back.

    Since having children (225# while prego), I have vowed to be physically fit and to get to a healthy weight where I can be "satisfied." I still have about 20 pounds to go (currently 150#). I gained 10 pounds over the last six months or so, and I'm determined to stop the yo-yo cycle before I get out of control again.

    Gotta get kids in bed. I'll write more later.
  • Hi, I'm 41 and TIRED!!...LOl...I have 1 teenager and 1 6 yr old at home. Support would be greatly appreciated! :flowerforyou:
  • Notta
    Notta Posts: 38

    My name is Notta and I've decided to get fit in 2010! I'll be 42 in a couple of months and would like to generally just feel healthy.
    I have been walking every day for the last week for an hour straight at my local gym and trying to watch what I eat and sticking mainly to fresh fruits, oats, nuts, and soy. Hopefully I will lose weight and get fit.
  • Well I do believe I finally found a cool place to hang out. All of your stories seem to have a lot in common, I too have been heavy my entire life, or at least felt fat most of it. I have set my goals to get down to 170 for now. I have been over 220 for many years.
    I'm going to be 46 in march and felt it was time to do something with my eating habit. As a child I was allowed to eat as much of anything I wanted too. Of course the heavier u become the easier it is to just keep eating, and then as you all know after indulging in all the goodies you just feel horrible about yourself. Having the support of all of you will help me tremendously.
    I 'm looking forward to hanging out wth you all through our journey. Lets have fun !!!!!!
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Hello everyone!I gained weight while my husband was in Iraq,almost got divorced over it...nightmare!2006-7.I lost the pounds fad dieting(used to love the 3 day diet)and basically starving myself.Skip to 2009 and out of the blue got pregnant-at 42 with ten and 15 year old sons.I love my new sweet little son,and I am determined to nurse him as long as I can,so I cannot fall back on any diets or old tricks because I want him to be healthy and happy.I had a spinal with my c section and it is painful running:cry: I just feel fat and scared that I will never lose this extra 20 pounds.My husband is a complete fatophobe and just not supportive, He even brought home cans of Slimfast for me the other day which really hurt my feelings but I tried not to let it show...I want to get back in shape to be a better example for my three sons.I would love to help others and gain support ,sorry for the whining!
  • Your not whining, you focus on doing this for yourself, and we will be your support. I am 50 pds over weight and I have been trying for 3 years so together this will be our year! Just be true to yourself, and know that you can achieve your goals. With each small step you take to eating healthier you are getting closer to the weight that you desire to be.

    You can do it girl, don't worry about what anyone else says (husband included) and focus on your goal. I am pulling for you and with this support group, you will have help through the tough patches.

    I wish you the best! :happy:
  • nolafitchick
    nolafitchick Posts: 46 Member
    Well, it looks like this thread died back in Jan :frown: but I'd love to help support (and get some too) my fellow 40plus peeps.

    I'm Kat from New Orleans and I'm 42 (Sept 1968)
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