

  • Hooping burns 210 calories in half an hour according to the American Council on Exercise - and that's a whole lot of bang for something low impact. The cool thing about it too is that it directly works on and strengthen our core which is where most of us have our biggest issues. The bruising thing does tend to happen the…
  • Weighted hoops are good for building core strength, but unfortunately that's about it. Most come with warning labels not to use them for more then tin minutes a day cause it's a lot of weight to be hitting our sensitive insides repeatedly. They can also cause bruising which isn't so attractive. So I'm with going with an…
  • Hooping burns 210 calories in half an hour according to the American Council on Exercise, so it's a good workout. I've been hoop dancing for ten years and run It's a great resource for all things hooping.
  • Hooping burns 210 calories in half an hour that puts it on par with a bootcamp workout, and it's a lot lower impact. Go for it. The best part about hooping too is that you're exercising and you kind of forget that you're are cause you're enjoying it so much. :)
  • Hooping burns 210 calories in half an hour according to the American Council on Exercise. The way it attacks your core area and strengthens it in the process make it really dynamic. That being said - hooping alone isn't going to give you great abs, but it's awesome when combined with diet and other exercises that target…
  • Hooping is my primary fitness regimen - the better you get at it you can really work your whole body. The American Council on Exercise found in their study of hooping that you can burn 210 Calories in half an hour, which makes it right up there with a Bootcamp workout, but a hell of a lot more fun and a lot lower impact.…
  • I hoop pretty much every day. You can burn 210 calories in half an hour according to the American Council on Exercise - which ranks up there with boot camp and it's a lot more fun. Sometimes I crank the tunes and hoop dance to the music, sometimes I just hoop while watching tV, but there's really nothing better for…