

  • From experience ( I have lost 60 lbs).... do not go too low. If you start out too low in the beginning and then hit a plataue its very hard to then go lower and lower in calories. Slow and steady is the best way. You will lose at the higher calorie amount if you just keep at it. Just find a plan, write it down and stick to…
  • This is a complicated thing...I allow myself a cheat night on Saturday nights to eat out with hubby. In the beginning, its what allowed me to stick to my diet and lose 60 lbs. I had failed before because I thought if I could not be perfect, I could not stay on a diet. Now that I am trying to maintain, its…
  • As long as you are consistent, it should work. Its all about calories in/calories out. If you are decreasing the intake calories and working out...even if spread apart, it should work. Consistency is key...just pick something and work it every single day and stick to it.
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