Too much, or too little?

Hello everyone,

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this...but just want to clarify!

I am 212 lbs, 23 years old and 5'6.
I want to lose around 60 lbs (at least).
I am currently just planning on working on getting my food intake mastered, before I incorporate any regular exercise into my routine.

I have gotten lots of info from these two links:

And when I calculated my TDEE, it is around 2300-2450.
The minimum amount of calories it recommends for me (for fat loss) is around 1700.
This would put me around losing 1-1.5 lbs a week (at most). I was hoping to lose 2 lbs/ wk as a start...because I have over 60 lbs to lose, and then slow down a bit once I have around 40-50 left to lose...this seems to be a possible method, when using MFP...but seems to be going below my recommended calorie intake based on the TDEE/BMR method.

Is it still safe to lose 2 lbs a week...and set my daily calorie limit to ~1500...or will this set me up for too much of an unhealthy deficit and I should trust the TDEE method, and just lose weight slow and steady?

What are some suggestions that you guys might have?
(Please feel free to look at my diary and give me any other feedback...especially on some of my other macronutrient consumption as well).


  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I wouldn't go that low (1500). Your BMR is likely higher than that, probably in the 1700-1800 range so I wouldn't go any lower than that. I think the slow and steady approach is always the best. Too big of a deficit might give you a faster loss in the beginning but it's really possible that you will stall and get burnt out. IMO, go with something a little above BMR at the very least.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. I personally will not net below 20% of my TDEE as that would be well below my BMR. I don't even want to do that for a short period of time.

    Going slow and steady, you are less likely to have a stall or're likely to be more consistent in meeting your goals and you're more likely to learn to make better eating choices long term. Not that there aren't people who ultimately have success with the 2Lbs, it just seems a lot more of them are routinely frustrated with meeting their long term and short term goals.

    Personally, I think you're doing it right with 1-1.5 Lbs per week. You'll ultimately be happier (because you can eat a bit more) and once you get into it a bit, you kind of forget about how slow it's going (at least that was my experience). One thing that has helped me is to also set mini goals on your way to your ultimate goal...this way you have something to look forward to in the nearer future rather than in some distant future that just seems so far away.

    Good luck, you can do this.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member

    The minimum amount of calories it recommends for me (for fat loss) is around 1700.

    Look! I found your answer!

    What else do you think you want to lose? Certainly not muscle! Nor bone! Nor any organs!
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    I really can't tell you what is best for you. I think you need to try it and see how it goes. Don't get hung up on losing fast now. Just focus on being healthy and changing your lifestyle so that when you get to your goal weight you can maintain it.
  • camiann10
    From experience ( I have lost 60 lbs).... do not go too low. If you start out too low in the beginning and then hit a plataue its very hard to then go lower and lower in calories. Slow and steady is the best way. You will lose at the higher calorie amount if you just keep at it. Just find a plan, write it down and stick to it everyday. As you lose more and more weight you will either need to lower your cals or increase your intensity or duration of your workouts.
  • Abi_bug04
    Abi_bug04 Posts: 220
    Thanks for the reassurance, everyone!
    I will be sticking between 1700-1800 cal then!

    It's hard to get out of that archaic mindset of eating as little as possible to lose weight...probably the reason why I keep yo-yoing!

    I am learning more and more everyday, thanks to MFP and the wonderful people on here :).