worthy16 Member


  • Honestly, you are going to gain "weight" in muscle before you shed it in fat - so I would not worry. Especially with weight-lifting, it takes about 6 weeks for your body to adjust and start shredding a lot again. Keep going, muscle is LEAN, and it helps lose weight quicker once you are past the 6 weeks and in a good…
  • If you go to "Goals" at the top on your homepage, you will find there your fitness profile? I think it's called. It tells you how many calories are burned on a daily basis, just from every day activity (this is based on whether you are a stationary, lightly active, or very active person, as they asked you when you first…
  • Not sure if I need to look at your diary - if you are working out a lot, breastfeeding, and only taking in 1400 calories? Your body is certainly going into starvation mode. You need more calories than that to sustain proper nutrition for you and your milk! they say that 1800 calories a day in minimum for breastfeeding moms…
  • I'm confused. This doesn't make sense. I'm not saying you are wrong - but more just trying to clarify. When you first sign up, it asks for your current weight and your GOAL weight - as well as the other info. With all that taken into consideration, it THEN calculates what you need to eat in order to lose 1 lbs per week (or…
  • Sore muscles is not always a result of too much working out - sometimes it's poor diet. It all has to be in balance. You may not be getting enough protein/iron to support the workouts you are doing. You only need a rest if you are doing EXTREMELY INTENSE strength training. Research which foods are best to eat before…
  • I haven't met anyone yet who doesn't like it! :) My sister is a Zumba instructor, and it's the only exercise my other sister does! I would be doing it but none of the classes fit my schedule right now - we'll see for later though :)
    in ZUMBA! Comment by worthy16 January 2011
  • Great info on the artificial sweeteners! If you like/need jam, but not much sugar - I go for Apple Butter - the natural kind. Half the sugar, but still tasty.
  • wow - 11 days is hard! Pump as much as you can - if you feel like you are having trouble, try an herbal suppliment called "More Milk Plus" - it works I promise you! It helped me so much! My daughter is 14 mo and I am just now starting my baby weight loss journey - you are an inspiration! :)
  • It depends on how much you are breastfeeding - in the beginning, it's said that you burn approx 80 calories per feeding session - usually an average of 500 calories a day - and you need to make sure you are eating enough to keep that up so your supply does not go low - keep track of calories carefully - make sure you are…
  • I agree! Finding a gym that had daycare saved me! My husband and I share a car, so I have to drop him off every morning for work - I then immediately head to the gym - no excuses! I am in the car already, and I just go. My daughter is 14mo, she plays for the hour I work out. I get UNINTERRUPTED time, which is a big thing…