LIfting weights & slow weight loss

Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
My weight loss had been going along nicely for the first 14 kilos then about 1 month ago I started lifting weights on my home gym. My weight loss has slowed down to a few hundred grams a week. I am lifting anywhere between 5 kilo and 20 kilo. Would this be why the weight on the scales has slowed.


  • worthy16
    worthy16 Posts: 10 Member
    Honestly, you are going to gain "weight" in muscle before you shed it in fat - so I would not worry. Especially with weight-lifting, it takes about 6 weeks for your body to adjust and start shredding a lot again. Keep going, muscle is LEAN, and it helps lose weight quicker once you are past the 6 weeks and in a good routine.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    It's hard to say because you didn't provide enough information:
    1. how much weight were you losing per week to begin with?
    2. how were you losing this weight? (cardio, diet, ...)
    3. how long and how often are you lifting?
    4. what muscle groups are you working?
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi, I was losing 1-1.5 kilo a week through mostly through diet . I am on 1370cals at the moment but just giving the calorie shifting a go for a week.
    My exercise was only walking on the treadmill 20-30 mins 4 times a week at 6.8kph 8%incline.
    I am doing upper body every second day with 30 mins treadmill
    next day I concentrate on legs
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    As stated it will take a while for weight loss to show again. That is for various reasons in terms of changes in your muscles. When it comes down to weight training is far superior to steady state aerobics for weight loss. I was just reading of a study from the Physical Activity Sciences Lab in Quebec, Canada. Dr. Tremblay et al compared moderate intensity aerobic exercise to high intensity interval training for their effect on fat loss. The results based on caliper body fat measurements was that the interval group, while working out less time, lost more body fat. Their numbers conclude that the high intensity interval training was 9 times more efficient at burning fat. Other studies have shown the same thing, and some have even shown that aerobic exercise will make you more fat even though you may be lighter. Stick with the weights and other resistance exercises, and look for ways to increase the intensity of your workouts, it will burn more fat. Also, switch from using only the scale to measure success and instead get a measuring tape and measure yourself as well. You will start losing weight again, but there is a transition time. Just so you know I am transitioning out of long duration aerobic exercise which I used to do with weights, to something leaning more toward all weight workouts either with weights or using body weight exercises. I expect that my weight loss will slow a great deal because of it at first, but my fat lose will go up.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    thanks :o)