Jen6282 Member


  • lol - I think if you want to add them to your calorie count you should also add chewing to your exercises. but hey on that note, why when you add exercises do you get extra points to eat for the day?
  • I don't know about your stomach... but how about your boobs? I am refusing to buy new jeans, as jean season is months away and I want to lose more, but bras... I feel like I am constantly on the search for one that fits now. anyone else? Oh and major kudos for posting those pics... I may never feel comfortable enough to do…
  • You know its always good hitting that next number down... but stepping out of the 200's back into the 100s was my real push!! today I weighed in at 189 which means its taking me about a month per 10lbs. I am so excited for the next 5 and so on! Congratulations to you!!! :) I hope this keeps you going as well.
  • I asked my doctors, both my OB and my Reg if it would go away with weight loss and exercise and was told by both that I would likely have to have it physically removed. :( I know we all have a different amount of saggy momma belly, From your pictures we started out about the same. I am down weight wise as well and I want…