Hanging mommy belly is it possible to lose

So I've started working out and restricting calories like crazy and am down 30 lbs in 2.5 months. My problem area of course is the sagging mommy belly it's gotten smaller but it's still there and I'm starting to worry it won't go away completely. It looks like it's fat not skin and I'm wondering if anyone has had luck losing it and what they did.






  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    I don't know where you started from or what you are eating, but 30 pounds loss in 10 weeks sounds like a lot! Check your nutrition and then start adding exercise. Seems like most people don't tone without a balanced healthy diet.
  • Jen6282
    Jen6282 Posts: 5 Member
    I asked my doctors, both my OB and my Reg if it would go away with weight loss and exercise and was told by both that I would likely have to have it physically removed. :( I know we all have a different amount of saggy momma belly, From your pictures we started out about the same. I am down weight wise as well and I want to lose at least 20 -30 more before I make any decisions that require a knife to be involved. Plus its so risky, why go through the hassle slimming down to kill yourself for something so minor?
  • strutdivastrut
    strutdivastrut Posts: 105 Member
    I feel ya.I have the same problem.
  • Laceyheart
    Laceyheart Posts: 9 Member
    Mine unfortunately is skin :( no way for it to go unless I get a tummy tuck. You will be able to tell if it is a skin problem if it gets worse the more weight you lose. Mine gets worse the less fat in that area I have. Another way to tell is loose skin has a wrinkly look to it. Oh the things we do to be mommys lol. Hopefully yours is not skin, and as they say abs are made in the kitchen! eat healthy and it will go away when your body fat % lowers. As for skin mine looks a lot better when I keep nivia skin firming lotion on regularly.
  • ablueflamingo
    ablueflamingo Posts: 4 Member
    I just added some before and after pics of my progress - I've been working out like crazy. I'm just worried even working out the horrible c-section pouch isn't going anywhere. It's still seems like it's fat not skin so I'm wondering if it will go away if I just keep at it
  • Jen6282
    Jen6282 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't know about your stomach... but how about your boobs? I am refusing to buy new jeans, as jean season is months away and I want to lose more, but bras... I feel like I am constantly on the search for one that fits now. anyone else?

    Oh and major kudos for posting those pics... I may never feel comfortable enough to do that.
  • stardance1
    stardance1 Posts: 20 Member
    To me, it looks like it's already going down. Just keep at it!
  • ablueflamingo
    ablueflamingo Posts: 4 Member
    When you can hide your face it's a bit easier to post pics :) My boobs were the first thing to go which was great for my back and I'm lucky they aren't to bad in the sagging department. My issues seems to be that darn lower stomach area.
  • Laceyheart
    Laceyheart Posts: 9 Member
    Hate to say this but it looks like both. It will get a lot better, but it won't go away completely unless you have the extra skin removed when you reach your goal weight. I know it's upsetting iv been dealing with the loose skin sense I had my daughter, she is 14 now :(
  • ablueflamingo
    ablueflamingo Posts: 4 Member
    Don't you just love what having kids does to the body :) Id be ok with some wrinkly skin just not all the hanging. But I've still got about 40lbs to go before I reach my goal weight.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Don't you just love what having kids does to the body :) Id be ok with some wrinkly skin just not all the hanging. But I've still got about 40lbs to go before I reach my goal weight.

    My tummy looks just like that....

    ... I don't have kids :-( lol
  • Laceyheart
    Laceyheart Posts: 9 Member
    The hanging down should go away mine did, it's just loose now. But yea I wouldn't worry about the hanging part that will go away! it just takes time :)
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    First off, you have changed tremendously already! Stellar job!!!!!!!!

    I agree, it is mostly just extra fat. There looks to be a little bit of excess skin that may not go away through dieting, at the very bottom of your belly. But, if you lose 40 pounds it is going to look AMAZING even if there is a little excess skin left. It will be hardly noticeable and will look really good. Your belly has already smoothed out SO MUCH, it looks really good.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I expect you'll keep some, as there seems to be some loose skin there too... Sorry :(
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    You won't know until you get there.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Don't you just love what having kids does to the body :) Id be ok with some wrinkly skin just not all the hanging. But I've still got about 40lbs to go before I reach my goal weight.

    I had that due to having a child and being fat for a long time...I lost just over 50lbs...it's practically gone....another 10lbs and I suspect it will be gone..no lose skin either (as logn as I stay hydrated)
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Until your body fat is down to where you want it to be you won't know how much loose skin is there. Exercise won't affect your skin but working on strengthening your abdominal wall might help your tummy to appear firmer. Some women just have to deal with having a post-pregnancy pooch - but you brought children into the world so you're kind of a rockstar!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    if you only have 40 to go, the first thing I'd do is caution you to slow the rate of loss a bit. 30 pounds in 1.5 months IS a lot, and it's a huge shock to the body.

    Your stomach skin didn't stretch to that state overnight (took at least nine months), so it won't bounce back nearly as fast either. And the rate of bounce back slows even more as we age.

    Take your time, strengthen your muscles, work your core, develop good eating habits... and in nine months... look again to see where you are at.

    Excellent work so far!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Great article in regards to loose skin issues:

  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    You won't know what you have to work with until you hit whatever a good weight is for you, and even after that time might also fix some of the issue if your pregnancy was recent.