Negative Calories?!

klkateri Posts: 432 Member
I was on my Pinterest the other day and my friend was posting all kinds of "Negative Calorie" charts. Things like apples, celery, green peppers, grapes, watermelon, etc. that these kind of things are "Negative Calories". The reasoning is that these kinds of food take more energy to digest than you get from them so you can eat them all day and they don't count. But as I'm ready this I'm thinking about my logging here.

If they are a negative calorie then why, when I log these foods into my diary do I get a number?

I'm being both smart *kitten* and curious here. So I'm wondering if this is a real thing and if so, do you log these kinds of foods? Or, more likely I think is that this is a "bunk" idea and that I should just keep logging them in like I've been doing and take the 30-100 calorie hit to my daily intake and know that they are good calories and not worry so much about it.

Thoughts Please!!


  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Negative calorie foods are real. You can find them in the fields and valleys where the unicorns live.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    That's a total myth. Negative calorie foods have been totally debunked but the wishful rumours remain.
  • Jen6282
    Jen6282 Posts: 5 Member
    lol - I think if you want to add them to your calorie count you should also add chewing to your exercises.

    but hey on that note, why when you add exercises do you get extra points to eat for the day?
  • pennycenturie
    pennycenturie Posts: 1 Member
    there is no such thing as a negative calorie food. plenty of people will say there are, but they are profiting from your failure, and believing it is an act of fat logic, and if what you want is to lose weight, never give yourself the benefit of the doubt - assume all foods have *more* calories than mfp tells you, and always strive to eat less.

    there's no easy way to lose weight. deluding yourself about this garbage that would be nice if it were true... is exactly how you FAIL at weight loss.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Negative calorie foods are real. You can find them in the fields and valleys where the unicorns live.

  • One_Last_Time
    Being able to eat mass amount of something and lose weight. Sounds wonderful but like most things that sound to good to be true. It's not.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    Getting advice from Pinterest is a horrible idea in general. Unless it's how to decorate a wall or something.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    LOL, this is what I thought too. I was surprised to see this person putting this stuff on her boards on Pinterest because she is usually pretty smart and this just seemed too much like "Fad" or just too good to be true.

    BUT... this is also why I asked because I tend to be a skeptic anyways. It's good to know that in my quest to be healthier and to lose some weight I was able to recognize that this was probably not true. I have to admit that there was a time (and not all that long ago) that I would have been like "SCORE!! I'M ON THE NEGATIVE CALORIE DIET!!" and instead, I was like "Mmm, this seems off!!"

    This actually makes me smile and know that I am doing something right!!