snicholson81 Member


  • 1/1 - 190 lbs 1/8 - 183 lbs!! :DDDDD
  • I just weighed in on my Wii board and I'm down 7 lbs!! I started this around the 1st so that's awesome for me. It seems like a lot of loss very fast but then I recall what I've been eating and everything I've cut out. Not to mention my working out. Oh and my Tuesday goal was 60 minutes of Yoga. I know you aren't supposed…
  • I don't have access to a gym but my kids are in school again (back from winter break). No reason I can't find some time to fit in some good workouts. Monday - I counted in an hour of shopping/unloading/putting away groceries and about 20 mins of food prep. I think I will try and take a 45 minute power walk after we eat…
  • I love the motivational challenges that are offered in this group!! It will be really hard for me to overeat as we are all out of snack foods and I've quit the soda. So my snack will consist of green apples. I'm not sure what meals will be, but it is looking like something with pasta. Maybe the kids can eat that and I'll…