

  • Add me to your support group! Always easier with loads of support ;)
  • I've surprised myself by being motivated for 25 days! Not a lot, but better than I've ever managed before..I think that by completing the daily journals, I have to take ownership - and not thinking of it as a "Diet" has helped - I'm focussed on eating healthy, which is far more positive than dieting! Awesome thing is…
  • I'll give you a :) even on a hard day! Support on this site is awesome - count me in!
  • Welcome back! I'm only just starting my journey, but after years of "trying it alone" I can honestly see the huge benefit to having other's support you on this hard-road. My husband asked me why it was so easy for me to reach out to strangers - and I think that the most valuable support is knowing there is a whole wide…
  • Count me in! I'm aiming for between 130-140 pounds..and will reassess depending on how I feel then. I have lost just over 5 pounds since January 1st - so that means I have about 35 pounds to go. I think it takes longer to show the loss when you're shorter? I need all the motivation and ideas out there so feel free to add…
  • You're not alone!!! This was me a month ago and since being on here daily, I've been challenged every time I enter food into my Diary - it makes me think twice before eating something I shouldn't! I always thought that keeping a food diary would be too hard, but not that I'm consistently doing mine, I can see just how…
  • Fantastic you've posted! Baby steps will get us all there - and the support here is awesome!