I'm back...shoulda never left

Hello, My name is Jenny. I was here almost two years ago..I was doing good and continued to lose twenty or more pounds after I stopped logging..I had started a new job with crazy hours and was wore out all the time because I let them work me like a dog. I'm now working pretty regular hours and trying to get my life in order. I gained most of the weight back after settling into a routine and grabbing fast food on the run. I want to change my life. I'm tired of my back hurting from the weight. I know when I lose twenty pounds most of the pain will fade. After that its more for my health that I will be losing weight. I want to be here for my kids in the future. I want to know my grandchildren when my kids are old enough.

My children are still overweight but I have been introducing new vegetables into the house and they are responding well :) My youngest Lyndi has lost almost five pounds and has a thyroid condition. And my oldest Jessica has lost 4 pounds over the last two months..slow and steady :) We are wanting to make our lives better for us and we will!!

I had quit smoking when I first started this before. I was doing very well and went to my mom's house one day. I sat in her chair for a minute and literally picked her lit cig up out of ashtray and started smoking..when I realized what I was doing I couldn't stop. That was after over three weeks of not smoking. I was so angry with myself..but I went and bought a pack right after. Since then my mother has discovered that not only does she have COPD but also clogging in her arteries and needs a pretty serious surgery done..but can't because she has to lose weight. I am a big supporter..but she has bugged me many times to quit smoking when she keeps picking it back up. I am planning to quit in a couple days..I can't just throw away the money by not smoking what I have left and I'm not ready. But I will quit soon!!!! Very Soon!!! :) My mom is quitting tomorrow (I really hope she doesn't pick it back up) and so is my sister..We aren't going to be around each other..and I'm not letting them know that I'm quitting because if I do I want it to be for me..I don't want to be depended on and if I can't I don't want them to start again just because I gave up. Everyone depends on me and I don't want to let them down. I don't quit with a patch I quit cold turkey..so I get very agitated and use that to exercise :)

Basically I'm trying to change not only my life but my children's as well. They need a positive role model that will teach them how to stay healthy. I know I am already a positive influence, but I need to be the healthy influence as well.

So this is me changing my life :)


  • iveyroze3
    Sounds like you klnow where to go when you need help. You know this site works and support helps. I commend you for wanting to be a good influence in your kids lives. One step at a time. Progress not perfection. If you need someone to support you, you can friend me. I am new to this site but really enjoy it. And it works. I was on another site for a couple months but I feel this is a more user friendly site and has a wider database of foods.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I completely agree! One step at a time as I go about my journey. I also liked how this site has a wider database of foods. I really enjoyed it when I was here before and it did help me to watch everything. I can honestly tell you that when i woke up this morning I hadn't planned on this. I've been thinking about different ways to change my life and been telling myself for months that I need to get back in gear but today is the day. I sent a friend request to you. Thanks
  • camkal12
    Welcome back! I'm only just starting my journey, but after years of "trying it alone" I can honestly see the huge benefit to having other's support you on this hard-road. My husband asked me why it was so easy for me to reach out to strangers - and I think that the most valuable support is knowing there is a whole wide world of people on the same journey who haven't seen your past failures and successes and who simply encourage you day by day. I'm loving the fact that I don't feel alone in this - as they say, "How do you eat a Bear?...One bite at a time! Good luck on your journey and the challenges you're facing ;)
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Thanks! Its true. Its easy because there are a lot of us facing the same or similar issues. We all want to be healthy. We all want better for ourselves. We all want!!! It is good to have encouragement. If you are having a hard time there is always someone else with it worse. You have to count your blessings and know that you are doing what you need to be doing for you and you alone. Good luck to you as well!