

  • For the last three years I've participated in NaNoWriMo (a 1month writing challenge of 50,000words) ... I've only succeeded in it once though but I like that story even though it still needs a lot of work! I think my intended audience is late teen/young adult for that one and its a novel I also like writing short stories…
  • Poodle X according to his records but we dont actually know bought him as a 3yr old stray from the RSPCA, he was petrified of people and new things (he was clearly mistreated). He's now 14 and loved, still scared of most new people and things but he's doing well. He sort of looks like a curly coated retriever but his fur…
  • I used to have a rat and will again one day (currently living back with mum and she wont let me have one). He was the sweetest, gentlest pet I ever had. His name was Gerald and he was a spoilt sook! ... rats make wonderful pets (as long as you shut the cage properly). He got a respiratory infection and had to be put down.…
  • I have 2 on here, they provide great support just by telling me I've done good and I love giving them support too, would love some more though
  • Masters of Teaching (would prefer not saying which uni as we're a small group and it'd be pretty obvious who I am if they know me in person), But I have an undergrad degree in an Animal Science, Agriculture and Science type course
  • - that embarrassment i feel when anyone at uni suggests going down to the main social hub (its down a very steep hill and all my classes are at the top of the hill) - when my mum comes home with clothes that are too big (she clearly sees me as larger than I am) and the fact occassionally the super sizes she buys aren't too…
  • Yup sure am! I'm hopeless when I become stressed or upset, not made easier by having severe depression in the past, now I just have overly intense emotions.
  • I want to be able to enjoy nature by going on long walks in the hills and not have to stop halfway up the hill cos I'm exhausted!