runrunjohnny Member


  • Despite the website address, also has a BMR Calculator
  • Thats why I've had 2 paczki already today!
  • In short: yes, but not like a taper for a longer distance. In general, I would not run the two days prior (maybe an easy 1-2 mile run the day before to loosen up) For the rest of the week, I would cut my mileage by 30%-50% There isn't any gain to your race performance by pushing it in those last 7 days. Just let the legs…
  • MPW? ***18-25 miles What's your favorite distance? ***10-12 miles Brand of shoes? ***Brooks, but I'm on the edge of buying a pair of Skoras Indoor or outdoors? ***Outdoors. Come on, no one actually likes to run inside. Music or no music? ***no music. Never Most hated run? (intervals, tempo, hills, etc) ***Hill repeats…
  • You can always make up time by starting slow. You can never return from exhaustion after starting too fast.
  • I agree. You don't have to follow Hal exactly, but you need to stay consistent and avoid over-doing it. Your goal for your first marathon is to make it to race day, injury-free. You will no doubt be increasing your mileage to levels you've never reached. Trying to do extra usually just ends up in injury. Since you have…
  • John from the Detroit area. I ran CC back in high school. After I graduated, I took a long hiatus from running. Like about 6 years. About 2 years ago, I trained for my 1st half marathon and last year I ran my first full marathon. This year I plan on racing about 4 halfs with a goal of breaking 2:00. I have a goal of…
  • That's one feature request I'd like to see: a check-box to filter out the *entries
  • And if you don't want to buy online, you can find them fairly cheap at Trader Joe's and Costco.
  • You can add them to just about anything: yogurt and smoothies are my favorite. I've also made a no-bake chocolate pudding from them. I find taking a small handful useful before my runs. They help retain water and because they soak up liquid, they can help with the sloshing feeling of water in your stomach.