This! I used to eat huge meals, but now that I eat less, I find it easier to eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. I'm rarely hungry for food, I just eat because its time. I look at it more like adding fuel to my tank rather than something I love to do. I used to love eating and my body reflected that. Break it up a…
Brick Top: Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c**t... me. - Snatch
Yes. You will rapidly improve, known as beginners gains, until you eventually hit a plateau. It's hard work from there. Keep at it though, you will start to notice improvement.
I do a calorie deficit (-500) on IIFYM. I do it because I generally eat healthy clean foods, but it allows me to factor in other food types when I'm not able to choose my ideal meals (eating out). It's also easy to follow since I don't feel like I'm restricted, I can eat whatever I want. It has made me literally save…
I recently switched to eating the oats dry, mixed with a Greek yogurt. I'm never going back, its my favorite snack.
People who use a set of dumbbells for three reps, then switch, then switch. Standing in front of the whole rack the entire time. People who run 4-5 weight machines in a circuit and won't let you get in on any of them until they are done.
You need to get on a plan and stick to it. Calculate your Maintenance calories and subtract 20%. Hit that goal and you should lose 1-2 lbs per week. Go to for a calculator (look for TDEE).
I think so!!! Be proud of where you are.
I would say it largely depends on your bf%. I would say cut until you like your size and then you can bulk from there. You can still gain strength by lifting and keep that muscle during a cut. That's what I'm doing. I made my beginner gains quickly, but still go up a bit weekly. My fat is coming off and my shape is getting…
I'm in! I used to weigh a steady 205 and after marriage and a kid ended up at 268lbs. I'm back down to 249, but hoping to get back under 220lbs by the end of the year. You can do it. It takes time and motivation, but just think of where you want to be in 6 months and slowly work at it.
Although I'm a guy, I have had a similar situation happen to me with a previous gf. She had no faith that I could stick to a plan and she didn't want me to. She had this fear that if I got in my previous shape, she would have more competition. She would constantly pick at me, making me feel like I was bad for wanting to be…
THIS!!! I always thought eating healthy and clean was how to lose weight, its not. You must count and weight everything; especially until you get the hang of a routine. When I thought I was eating healthy, I was taking in only 1,200 - 1,500 calories per day. I couldn't lose weight. I now eat 2,700 per day and am losing…
Greek yogurt and oats??
It's fairly easy for me. I have a canister of protein at work. While there, I will have two shakes throughout the day and a protein bar or oatmeal for a snack. I typically go home for lunch so I can eat what I can, or will go out with coworkers if the restaurant is on myfitnesspal. I don't mind drinking most of my meals,…
You may loose water weight with a quick diet, but you really want to be burning fat. I went to and calculated my TDEE, then calculate your macros based on activity level, if any. Trimming 500 off of your daily maintenance calories should put you on path to burn 1-2 lbs per week. That is fat loss typically. Eating…