basketball club
I'm a chip addict and am currently seeing a nutritionist. I have come to the conclusion that I can never have them again because even if I have a few it leads me to binge majorly and gain all the weight back that I lost. Eating them in moderation does not work for me. My nutritionist compared it to a person who has a drug…
That's right! My birthday is tomorrow too :) I'll be 31
Well done!! Can't wait to see what next January will bring
I don't think there should be a plus-sized Barbie but I would like a more 'average-sized' one. I think the Barbie ideal isn't realistic. I believe that my daughter is going to to look to me and the other women in her life to be her role model before a doll. That is my #1 motivating factor.
Great job! Best of luck with maintaining.
look at you!! very inspiring
Introvert. There's a really good book called 'Quiet' that talks about Introverts.
I wouldn't
Height: 5'6" Age/Gender: 30 female Highest weight- 215 Current Weight- 196.2 Current body fat - 44 Lowest weight- 115 at 16 Goal weigh- 145
Definitely. This is why I am not a fan of the latest 'trick' to lose weight. I strongly believe in eating less and exercising more. Especially for long-term weight loss.
Android. I love it
I'm going to start trying for #2 soon and in a way I'm sad because I am so close to my goal weight but we are ready to expand our family and I am confident that I will continue to eat healthy and exercise throughout my pregnancy and will be able to lose the rest of the weight after since I now have the tools/knowledge. If…
good for you!
I love water and it is pretty much all I drink and has been for years so it's easy for me to drink enough. I do prefer it the colder the better. I think it's like anything else in this weight loss/healthy living just have to decide to do what will help and be hardcore (drinking lots of water, doing food diary,…
240 the day I delivered my daughter but I'm not sure that counts 215 after having her I am 5'6" and currently 165 My goal weight is 140
I would just take it as a bad day and continue eating normally today (at least 1200 calories). If you can find the time do some extra exercising - that would be a better way of balancing it out Hope your kids feel better soon!
We're going to Alberta and BC in May for a wedding then travelling around and checking out the scenery. We'll be gone for 8 days and leaving our little girl with my mom.
January 10th
home daycare provider
1) 1% milk 2) broccoli/broccolini 3) celery 4) salad 5) yogurt
Look at you! I'm glad MFP helped with your social fears. You really will have a brand new life. Enjoy!
I had this comment the other day..someone said 'don't waste away'. I know I am 'only' an overweight BMI now vs. obese but I still have about 30 lbs until my goal weight.
Big difference! I'm 2 days away from finishing level 2. I plan on doing ripped in 30 next as well
pretty eyes
That is truly outstanding. Well done!
Being at a healthier weight for pregnancy #2
I like this. I am an atheist
Any of the Candyman movies