

  • I currently sell and use AdvoCare products. I love them. i totally have more energy. Was the first weighloss type of pills that did not make me jittery and fear for my health. I would totally recomend (and do). I love Spark!
  • I have lost 82lbs, and only eat around 1200 -1500 cal per day. I never eat back my exercise calories (unless a very special occasion). I too have hit plataeu's but just keep pushing through. I would strongly recomment decreasing your calorie intake.
  • I have not tried it but if you are wanting something safe with results, check out AdvoCare products. I currently use them. Im always up for answering your questions.
    in phen Comment by Robyn1733 March 2011
  • I am a SAHM and I dont log anything but actual exercise (ie what I do at the YMCA). The only extra thing I add is the "walking" i do when grocery shopping or mall shopping. I count everything else as normal activities. and if I burn a few extra calories doing it, then i guess its my gain (or should I say weight loss).
  • I have a friend who is on here in your same boat. Her name is liz_bolin if you want to check her out. Good luck on you weightloss journey. I got pregnant with both my kids at 303lbs. now I am trying to loose all my weight
  • YOu can do this. I wish I had found this site when I first started my weightloss journey. When I started I was 303lbs. Diet and exercise was all I had. This site makes it so much easier to track calories and my exercise. Here recently I just started using AdvoCare products to get me down the last 60 pounds. Hopeing to have…
  • Check out AdvoCare's Leptilean. Does wonders for cravings.
  • check out AdvoCare products to help shed some of the weight and tone up at the same time. If you want some further info please contact me and I can point you in the right direction. BTW Congratulations.
  • Advocare has a wonderful gentle 10 day herbal cleanse. If you want more info send me a message.
  • If you want a great product try Advocare. If you would like more information please send me a message and I can help direct you. Its wonderful and keeps you loosing weight.
  • Yes, you just add everything to the recipe and save it. Then go to your food diary and look for the tab recipes. It will be under there.
  • I will say I have one as well. As I have lost 72lbs already it has gotten smaller. I also do targeted exercises to help reduce the size of it. I am looking forward to the day it is totally gone. I hope that as the weight goes down, so does it.
  • WTG with the start you have done. I, too, gave up pop in general this year. I am challenging myself to drink more water. I believe with your focus, you will be on your way to a wonderful weight loss.
  • I completely agree with you. When running my 5ks Im always praying for Him to get me through. Ive heard there is a program out there that rely's on prayer for weight loss (ei - Lord give me the will power to say "no", help me to understand when my body is hungry/full). Simple prayer like that is what I do daily to help…
  • Saw your post. Never heard of this, so Im looking it up on the internet. I would love to try this product. maybe when my budget allows me to, I'll purchase. Congrats on your weight loss. I would love to loose 6# in 6 days.
  • I was just thinking about them this year. Havent decided on if Im going to purchase, and if so how many. Now that you have mentioned them, my mouth is watering for them. I say buy them and limit yourself. Test of willpower
  • I give myself a "free day" every once in a while where I just allow myself alittle more. EX last night we ate mexican, I still tracked it but made sure I was very close to my goal. I wouldnt go overboard on a "free day"
  • OOH thanks for the tip. Was this at a "heathfood unlimited?" I dont live by one, but would make a trip if they had the ice cream and stock up on a few extra items.
  • Sorry this is a day late, but if you didnt go to Aldi's they are very cheap. When I grocery shop I always go there first and get what I can and then head to walmart or Meijers.
  • Doyou have an Aldi's near by? They are great line called Fit and Active. Their popcorn is awesome. My cupboards are filled with the stuff. They even have an item that is comparable to Hot Pockets.