

  • Hi! I've never been big on counting calories or anything for that matter. However, I decided to try an alternate route this time by keeping track of what I eat, how often I eat, as well as exercise. I actually weigh myself first thing every morning just to see where I am. I think being constantly reminded of the numbers on…
  • Let me begin by saying you are NOT failure!! All you need is a little help, motivation, and a strong shoulder(s) to be there when you need it. One thing I have learned over the last few months is that we don;t have to starve ourselves, or change our eatting habits completely in order to be healthy or lose weight. By…
  • I know how it feels! I am on the shorter side and have always been a little heavy or "thick" as some people like to call it. I swear this has to be my 10 millionth try at trying to get healthy and back in shape. I love to eat and snack from the moment I wake up until Im ready for bed, Im trying very hard to retrain myself…
  • I'm Clara, 25 with 2 kids most recently born in Sept. Looking to drop roughly 15-20 lbs. I currently weigh in at 148lbs, but I rounded up to the full 150lbs. I'm looking to drop to atleast 130lbs by my son's 5th birthday... FEEL FRE TO ADD ME!!!
  • Personally prefer to work out alone, because I have a tendency to get easily side tracked and lose my focus. All I need are my earbuds with some music then I'm all set and ready to go.
  • I have been ont this site for a very long time. When I first started to began seeing results immediately and then felt like I could slack off. So Im getting myself refocused because this time around I am definitely going to follow through with everything and not let it just be a temporary pay off. I definitely dont…
  • I've always had a major and very unhealthy relationship with food for most of my life; until I started seeing a professional. I have always been an emotional eatter, which took me a very long time to recognize and accept. It is something that I still struggle with to this very day, however I have gotten much better. It is…
  • ADD ME <3 I'll be turning 25 on Dec 22, I currently weigh 150lbs I'm 5'5, with a goal weight of 125-130lbs. I just recently joined so looking for that extra help and motivation and being able to do the same in return. I have already started my routine in helping me get back in shape, my goal is to lose at minimum 2lbs per…