tifspoel Member


  • I have been trying to find the correct number of calories for me to lose the last 20 lbs. I am a 28F, 180lbs, lightly active (stay at home mom), work out at least 5 days a week for at least a half hour. I usually burn at least 400 calories. MFP and other "experts" have given me anywhere from 1,250 calories a day to 1,600 a…
  • My BMR is 1,621 and my TDEE is 2,221. So right now I have my calorie intake at 1,630. Do I have to eat the exercise calories on top of that? I fear that 1,600 is a lot of calories.
  • I typically workout for 45 to an hour burning at least 400 calories if not more. I workout at least 5 days a week if not more. I run on the treadmill, do pilates, I do a lot of jillian michaels or biggest loser dvd's. I am noticing I have flabby skin around my midsection and am wondering if the skin is holding more weight.…
  • I opened my diary to public. I just told someone else this terrifies me. I know I'm not perfect, but I fear the judgement of others. I have a low self esteem that I am working on. Losing weight helps and makes me feel better about myself. I am a stay at home mom and know my weekends are the worst. It's the first time I…
  • Thank you all for the great advice and info. I changed my goal to 1 pound a week loss, and that changed my calories to 1,490. I am still nervous about changing my activity level from sedentary to lightly active, as that will add another 200 some calories. I have this fear that eating almost 1,700 would be alot, plus adding…