jacki_faye Member


  • I'm in the same position girl. Although, my brain freaks me out by saying "if you go outside and walk for 30 minutes, imagine all the people that will stare and make fun of you" o.O I just need to get over it because at least i'm trying to do something about it.. o.O When it comes to food.. I live with my parents, no job,…
  • Make sure your drinking LOTS of water! I have found drinking hot green tea (i don't add sweeteners) gives me lots of energy, not to mention it detoxes your body. Tea is a diuretic though, so make sure for every cup of tea/coffee you drink, have a glass of water to compensate. I try to drink a cup with each meal, and if you…
  • I was thinking about doing the same recently. My hair is just above the small of my back and I haven't had it shorter then that in 7-8 years. I've decided not to do this because I feel the longer hair lengthens my body making it appear not so wide. Also, I feel like shorter hair would make my already round face look…
  • Hey there! 24 here from a small town in Iowa. My highest weight ever was 351lbs but after the holiday i seemed to drop down to 344..and i'm at 343 now. (i'm 5'4) I've been on here for awhile, but was just sort of a lurker. Here's to a new year with new goals, a new found motivation, and weight loss!
  • Bump, and I believe there is still spots open for North USA.. we had someone join us from the east tho.. so if your looking for a spot.. please join us :) http://www.skinnyo.com/challenges/view/50e48160a582f
  • Joined North USA weight loss challenge #6 and #7, my name on there is jacki faye