

  • What I took from this article is less about weight being under our personal control and more about exercising compassion for people at all stages of battling their weight. I find it crazy how many people on this website, one designed specifically for weight management, to be so judgmental of others who are fighting the…
  • I actually do try to eat (relatively) low carb-pretty much completely cut out white flour. I totally agree with what you and everyone else is saying, but it is less a problem with not getting full as it is a problem of stopping when I'm full. I suppose this might just be a me problem, but I was wondering if anyone had…
  • No, I'm saying that knowing what foods you cannot enjoy in moderation and no indulging in them IS self-control.
  • Actually sugar and white flour can have addictive properties. That is why overeaters anonymous exists, just like alcoholics anonymous.
  • Exactly...and in my opinion that IS self-control.
  • Some people need a more all-or-nothing approach. I know for me, once I have a little splurge it is REALLY hard not to throw the whole day/week/month away. For those of us that may have mild food addictions or binge eating disorders we are not good at "moderation". That's why we're here in the first place. lol Everyone…
  • 22-years-old. College student. Hoping to lose 80 lbs. by Sept. 27 (just a goal-if I get anywhere near there I will be thrilled!) Feel free to add me! It's kind of nice talking with people who have more than 20 or so lbs to go! :)
  • I just read through this whole post and feel the need to weigh in. I am not posting studies or research, just an anecdotal story. I used to eat about 900 calories a day or less. That is how little I needed to eat to move the scale, even at 220 lbs. (and I ate prepackaged food, so there was no chance of miscalculating). I…
  • I didn't eat it! I lost weight this morning and it was totally worth it! :)
  • I feel like an addict sometimes. Like if I get a food in my head, or just like "I want to binge" I can't stop thinking about it, no matter what, until I've eaten 2400 calories. I think about food ALL THE TIME and if I go 20 calories over, or even just eat a bad food, I give myself the green light to eat and eat and eat all…
  • Way to go! Putting on clothes that didn't fit or were uncomfortable before is an awesome NSV! I'm so happy for you.
    in NSV #2 Comment by mhannan13 June 2011
  • I can have a cinnabon eventually, but today I don't have the calories and I won't have the opportunity to exercise. Tomorrow I'm going to a concert with my family and we will be eating and drinking so I know tomorrow will be a tight day, as well. Soooo I just need to not eat one right now. lol
  • Well, I already had a rough day kind of. I visited a friend and we took her nieces to White Castle. I had 3 sliders, then we did a lot of shopping and walking around. I had a salad for dinner and I'm 80 cals under my daily goal. I'm going out with my boyfriend and another couple on a double date this evening and I know I…
  • Thank you!
  • Thanks everyone for your advice and stories. I'm down to 167 lbs and would ideally like to be 140 or 150. I will definitely wait until I am fully happy with the rest of my body. I plan on having a lift, at the least. I'm 18 and my breasts are saggy and deflated looking and the skin puckers and wrinkles because of my weight…
  • I'm eighteen years old and have been overweight since I was four. My mom attributes my 4 y.o. weight gain to the fact that her mother got very sick and died and so she was busy being a good daughter and had to put the good mother (i.e. making meals for me) on the back burner for the time being. I would NEVER blame my mom…
  • I'm eighteen years old and have been overweight since I was four. My mom attributes my 4 y.o. weight gain to the fact that her mother got very sick and died and so she was busy being a good daughter and had to put the good mother (i.e. making meals for me) on the back burner for the time being. I would NEVER blame my mom…
  • some things that have worked for me: -buy a fitness magazine and find a recipie or work out that you can be excited about -go shopping and get a new outfit (to make you feel good), new workout clothes (to inspire you to get out there), or new jeans (that are just a LITTLE too small-to push you) -find a workout class that…
  • I want to join as, well! Being out of routine on the weekends always seems to screw me up! Hopefully this will help as you all seem super motivated and successful. Maybe you'll rub off on my weekend behavior. :smile:
  • what an awesome reminder of your success! Keep it up!
  • I go to Plato's Closet and sell as much of my fat clothes as they will take (and they usually take a lot considering they are good quality and desirable sizes) and then I'll buy used smaller sized clothes for dirt cheap! I used to be kind of against second hand stores but I like having nice quality clothes and I can't…
  • qoute:: Another poster in another thread I repsonded to told me that I was making excuses because I was unable to stick to Atkins when my husband got laid off. quote:: I saw this post and she was being unnecessarily rude and judgmental. It is not an excuse and you are fine to follow what ever plan you like whenever you…
  • resptech97, I completely agree. I went through the same exact thing two weeks ago because everyone gets really worried about low cal eaters going into "starvation mode". I've been eating under 1200 cals. for almost 4 months now and I'm losing weight great and have no more side effects than when I was eating 1200. Don't…
  • Why is everyone so concerned with starvation mode and other people not eating enough? Let everyone be. Offer support and share your story but let everyone do their thing. We're all here for the same reasons so who is anyone to pass judgment? All this information can be found online if one chooses to seek it. Just let…
  • Way to go! You're off to an amazing start! :smile:
  • Nordstrom's juniors department runs really small and their Rock Star Jeans are only for the tall and thin!!! Beware!!! But, their IT brand jeans run big and have a lot of stretch. I usually get m'y jeans there because I can go down a size or two and wear them for a while. Another good brand is American Rag. Very stretchy,…
  • You look absolutely amazing! You reinspired me to get my butt into fighting shape. Seriously you look goregous. Thank you for sharing. :)
  • Thank you guys for all your thoughts! So many of them ring a bell. For me though, the worst thing about being fat is tied between the anxiety u feel in a new or unknown situation and catching a glimpse of yourself and just hating the way you look. I'm not thin yet, but the best thing about being thinner is the drive and…
  • I felt like it was misleading. They even do like a disclaimer at the end like "don't be a beeotch and don't try to be skinny". It wasn't so much focused on weight loss as it was on the possible (granted, likely,) weight loss that would come as a result of eating an all organic vegan diet, which, let's face it, is nearly…
  • I know, for me, if I can distract myself I can make it. Try getting a book, rent a season of a new tv show or find a cool blog to read. Get a new piece of work out equiptment. If u occupy ur brain with something else it might help. Also, try planning ur entire days meal in the morning. I find that if my minds set on what…