peter56765 Member


  • I did low carb for over a year and it worked as advertised. I lost the weight and wasn't hungry but ultimately I gained it all back and then some. The reason? Restrictive diets are boring to me and ultimately my cravings for (literally) forbidden fruits got to be too much. Low carb means saying goodbye to 85% of everything…
  • Most of the world uses kilograms for weight. America still uses the old Imperial System of weights and measures but only a subset of them: e.g. cups, ounces, yards, pounds and acres but not drams, gills, stones, rods, furlongs, and fathoms.
  • I like to think of cardio as strength training for your heart. The heart is the most important muscle in your body and heart disease is still the #1 cause of death in the developed world, more than all types of cancer combined. And yet people will go 20 rounds arguing about this food or that food that many or may not cause…
  • "If you bite it, write it." Like many others, once I started diligently logging everything, I was shocked to discover that I was eating way more calories than I thought. While CICO is the overriding rule, it's the CI side that most people need to concentrate on. You can't outrun a bad diet.
  • A mouse study. Further study on gut bacteria: CONCLUSION: In both humans and animals there are characteristic changes in the gut microbiota associated with obesity. In animals but not in humans altering the microbiota can result in weight loss and weight gain which does not occur…
  • Tried it and lost over 40 lbs but after about a year I grew tired of the restrictions and gained it all back. The rest of my family wasn't on this diet so that meant I always had to make my own "special food" for every meal. Family gatherings and meeting up with friends was likewise always a problem. About 95% of…
  • Sure, but those are separate considerations. It's like saying a diet of nothing but water and saltine crackers leads to malnutrition and then claiming that this is one of the pitfalls of consuming water because water is so low in nutrients and therefore we all should be careful and watch our water intake. It's a non…
  • Actually, shin splint are usually telling you to take it easier or get better shoes.
  • Asthma often fades after childhood and is often mistaken for allergies or triggered by irritants in the air like dust, tobacco smoke, pets, pollen or sometimes even temperature changes. You shouldn't have any of that to contend with at the gym so you might actually find that you CAN run on the treadmill without breathing…
  • I'll add to this: Along with the socks, make sure you buy shorts and shirts that wick moisture away. You're going to be sweating. A lot. If you live where you have Winter to contend with, you'll also need special running jackets, pants and gloves and if it's really cold outside, you'll also want a headband to protect your…
  • Running finds that sweet spot of burning a lot of calories in a short period of time while allowing a sustained calorie burn. Swimming is the only thing better in that regard but you need a pool. Running also gets you outside so you'll get some much needed Vitamin D. As an added bonus, you already know how to do it but as…
  • Ya know, I tried eating the whole egg and I don't care what people say. The shell just isn't all that appealing to me. :)
  • I would modify this slightly by saying: Do the exercises that you can tolerate doing. Personally, I don't usually "enjoy" exercise at all, and I suspect I'm far from alone in that feeling. Never the less, exercise is vital for good health so I do it, however I don't go in expecting to have a good time. There's a certain…
  • My advice is: don't eat anything at the office except your lunch. Snacking is a habit, and not a very good one. Chances are you aren't really hungry. You're probably a combination of 1) thirsty, 2) bored, 3) needing a break. Don't let food be your go-to solution for times like this. Have a couple eggs for breakfast and…
  • Stevia tastes bitter to me, easily the worst of all non-sugar sweeteners. Sucralose is probably my favorite followed by aspartame and then saccharine. I've been consuming all of them for years and years with zero side effects. Another alternative is sugar alcohols. They occur naturally in food but can also be synthesized…
  • Low carb didn't work for me. I was able to do it for about a year and a half but found it to be unmaintainable in the long run. Cons for me: 1. My family wasn't doing it. This meant I had to make my own special food every day, every meal which translated to a lot of missed family dinners and eating alone. 2. Birthdays and…
  • Many of the MFP entries include calorie counts for volume as well as for weight. When at a restaurant, try to estimate the volume of the food and use that instead. Most people (myself included) are terrible at estimating weight. You can't realistically do it at a restaurant anyway but even if you could try, you can easily…
  • I'm going to be a bit of a contrarian and say don't go, at least I would try to generally avoid places where you tend to overeat. Do this for the same reason you eliminate your trigger foods at home: trigger foods * prolonged exposure = you will eventually succumb. It's hard enough to avoid temptation when you encounter it…
  • But I'm not talking just to you. This is a public forum. You brought up the subject of sodium sensitivity as related to diet soda so I provided some context as to how much sodium there really is in a two liter bottle. That's nice that it'a personal preference for you not to drink it but for those who might have different…
  • A two liter bottle of diet coke has around 240 mg of sodium, or about as much as half a bagel, one bowl of cereal or two slices of bread. Most people don't drink anywhere near that amount.
  • When I was overweight I drank a lot more water than I do now. I also ate a lot more sugary and fatty foods. Sure, some people say that I was just drinking all that water because overweight people sweat more but my gut feeling tells me differently. Clearly over consumption of water made me crave sweets and kept me fat.…
  • Come on now. It's the fatal traffic accidents that cause heartworm in dogs. Everybody knows that! :smiley:
  • So you were told that if you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding?
  • McDonalds is more than happy to tell you about their lower calorie offerings:
  • I'm not going to flag this but boy does this read like ad copy. You sure seem to know a lot of particulars about a product that you just received yesterday. And the testimonial doesn't even make any sense. So you say you've already lost 57 lbs on your own? Then why did you bother buying this watch now?
  • So basically it's the same advice you'll get here. Sometimes it's easier for people to absorb it in book form than from an online forum. If this is the book that makes you change your life, then it's worth every penny. For some people, it's a FitBit or an exercise buddy or a health scare. It's not how you get there, it's…
  • Yes, you could eat around your surgery, or drink around it if what I hear is correct. But that would require a conscious effort to do so. The feeling of being overfull is often unpleasant enough to discourage people from eating more. If you are overweight now and tend to stop when you're overfull, there isn't any reason to…